LF: Ripper to help! Noob here :( (help)
Hi!! sorry if this is the wrong place to post it- there's this one avatar i really like, however there's a bunch of issues with it like shading and whatnot, and i also wanted to get new clothes for it etc- it's a public avi, pink harmony by korn! would it be possible to get the unityfile for it? or fbx!
i tried doing the ripping getting the VRCA and following the tutorials etc to fix it but i just couldnt get it to work ; ; im really not that knowledgeable in this area so im not sure if its something im doing wrong of if its the avi files
thank you ;w;!! -
Korn no longer gives out files or fbx's to her avatars. Considering her avatars are all done in unity, even the outfits using VRCFury installation, it was bound to break. Korn has never learned blender, and does strictly unity. Being this is the case, it was inevitable that something would be broken. Also, did you mean there's shading issues on the public one? If so, you can report it in Korn's discord and she'd probably fix it. If you meant the one you ripped, that's a no-brainer. You'd have to fix it. If you could give more information on your situation, that'd be helpful.
i see. i was told that face and stuff were changed shapes and whatnot and i assumed that was in blender (for example on discord we're told that pink harmony uses manuka face, but the ear, eye shape and mouth shape are very different and unsure how that was done but i cant get details on this)
i couldnt get the rip to work at all, so those issues are in the public one, the shading i think thats just the shader korn uses since i think its present in a lot of her avatars, but majority of the worlds i go it's.. kind of bad shading sometimes making the avatar look like a blue smurf while clothing still being bright and just weird stuff like that, so im unsure it'd be fixed.
it's kind of sad if i had found this avi just a couple of months ago while the files were still being handed out... TT ive got almost all the files to rebuild the avi, except the face shape which is what i like the most about her
i guess i'll just have to live with it :') thank you still for the reply!
i see. i was told that face and stuff were changed shapes and whatnot and i assumed that was in blender (for example on discord we're told that pink harmony uses manuka face, but the ear, eye shape and mouth shape are very different and unsure how that was done but i cant get details on this)
i couldnt get the rip to work at all, so those issues are in the public one, the shading i think thats just the shader korn uses since i think its present in a lot of her avatars, but majority of the worlds i go it's.. kind of bad shading sometimes making the avatar look like a blue smurf while clothing still being bright and just weird stuff like that, so im unsure it'd be fixed.
it's kind of sad if i had found this avi just a couple of months ago while the files were still being handed out... TT ive got almost all the files to rebuild the avi, except the face shape which is what i like the most about her
i guess i'll just have to live with it :') thank you still for the reply!
@hidingfrom Hey again, I believe Korn uses blendshapes (accessible in Unity) for her faces.