Draky! the Orca-Dragon
wrote on 23 Jan 2025, 06:13 last edited by CycloneSpirit
Draky! the Orca-Dragon - Mini shop - BOOTH
Try the avatar out using this link: https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_e49fa01c-c981-4ea6-9243-c03646d8b773 Avatar comes with Quest and NSFW variants. Avatar needs: Updated Creator companion and VRChat SDK VRCFury (Latest) Poiyomi shader 9.1+ (Free version) Unity 2022.3.22f1 Radial to edit all the
wrote on 23 Jan 2025, 12:52 last edited by
wrote on 23 Jan 2025, 13:37 last edited by
wrote on 24 Jan 2025, 09:57 last edited by
wrote on 25 Jan 2025, 07:47 last edited by
Dang bro it have made 0 sales yet it is my first model i'm glad some people like it and want to rip it ^^ it was just a thing of time xD don't forget to leave feedback i want to improve for the next one c:!
Dang bro it have made 0 sales yet it is my first model i'm glad some people like it and want to rip it ^^ it was just a thing of time xD don't forget to leave feedback i want to improve for the next one c:!
wrote on 25 Jan 2025, 10:10 last edited by@exoticZer0 What's the big deal? It's a beautiful model.
@exoticZer0 What's the big deal? It's a beautiful model.
wrote on 25 Jan 2025, 11:36 last edited by@GronaraTheSan the big deal here is, it is my edit xD i'm the one selling it
@GronaraTheSan the big deal here is, it is my edit xD i'm the one selling it
wrote on 25 Jan 2025, 13:12 last edited by@exoticZer0 Sorry, I didn't know.
Dang bro it have made 0 sales yet it is my first model i'm glad some people like it and want to rip it ^^ it was just a thing of time xD don't forget to leave feedback i want to improve for the next one c:!
wrote on 25 Jan 2025, 17:41 last edited by@exoticZer0 i feel bad i don't even want it anymore man
wrote on 25 Jan 2025, 18:11 last edited by
Don't forget to support the creator. For those who like to understand it. As the creator of the POST, don't put the avatar files that are like a mini advertisement.
@exoticZer0 i feel bad i don't even want it anymore man
wrote on 25 Jan 2025, 21:16 last edited by@orggybun it's ok don't fell bad tbh i was expecting the avatar to end here or in VRModels it is just time xD
sadly i can't give it for free cuz i'll get intro trouble (base model ToS)that's why i'm selling it at the minimun i'm alloweed to do, i'm starting and i want feedback for making better future avis.
But as i said. Is just time untill someone else upload it hereSorry for the big unnecesary text xD have a nice day/night
@orggybun it's ok don't fell bad tbh i was expecting the avatar to end here or in VRModels it is just time xD
sadly i can't give it for free cuz i'll get intro trouble (base model ToS)that's why i'm selling it at the minimun i'm alloweed to do, i'm starting and i want feedback for making better future avis.
But as i said. Is just time untill someone else upload it hereSorry for the big unnecesary text xD have a nice day/night
wrote on 25 Jan 2025, 21:23 last edited by the_stupid@exoticZer0 to be honest: You are the first creator who is kind and don't gonna insult others. Tbh i would buy your Avi but i can't buy with my card on Gumroad and since Gumroad took the option to pay with Paypal i`m unable to buy things on there.
I'm sorry for my unnecessary text but I just wanted to be honest and express my respect for how calmly you deal with it.
@orggybun it's ok don't fell bad tbh i was expecting the avatar to end here or in VRModels it is just time xD
sadly i can't give it for free cuz i'll get intro trouble (base model ToS)that's why i'm selling it at the minimun i'm alloweed to do, i'm starting and i want feedback for making better future avis.
But as i said. Is just time untill someone else upload it hereSorry for the big unnecesary text xD have a nice day/night
wrote on 26 Jan 2025, 04:37 last edited by@exoticZer0 STOP U ARE SO SWEET IM GONNA FUCKING CRY
@exoticZer0 to be honest: You are the first creator who is kind and don't gonna insult others. Tbh i would buy your Avi but i can't buy with my card on Gumroad and since Gumroad took the option to pay with Paypal i`m unable to buy things on there.
I'm sorry for my unnecessary text but I just wanted to be honest and express my respect for how calmly you deal with it.
wrote on 26 Jan 2025, 21:02 last edited by@the_stupid i can kinda get their point, i mean, the avatar i made is only a few clothes fitted for the deira neo and some radials for coloring etc but it took over 2 weeks(around 100 hours) to make a lot of blender trips fixing the clipping on the clothes, bro ALWAYS a new clipping show up everytime u try it xDD and the texture go though 6 changes untill i was happy with the last one.
Imagine now more complex and bigger avis, anyways theres no point on being mad or insult people, at this point this is always going to happen to all the avatars sooner or later so xD... -
@GronaraTheSan the big deal here is, it is my edit xD i'm the one selling it
wrote on 27 Jan 2025, 21:49 last edited by@exoticZer0 but a set of clothing is broken so womp womp
wrote on 27 Jan 2025, 21:57 last edited by
want post the av yourself fix the fucking Pajama on their model before making a public and a model to sells legit don't half ass shit
want post the av yourself fix the fucking Pajama on their model before making a public and a model to sells legit don't half ass shit
wrote on 28 Jan 2025, 11:25 last edited by@crystaldustie true true, i forget to fix that on the public too LOL sorry xD
want post the av yourself fix the fucking Pajama on their model before making a public and a model to sells legit don't half ass shit
@crystaldustie what a cruel and unnecessary response.
want post the av yourself fix the fucking Pajama on their model before making a public and a model to sells legit don't half ass shit
wrote on 28 Jan 2025, 12:51 last edited by@crystaldustie theyre being really nice and calm and all you're being is rude. dial it back bro, no need for all that, plus it's just clipping on a 3d model you prolly dont even wear a lot, you'll live.
@crystaldustie theyre being really nice and calm and all you're being is rude. dial it back bro, no need for all that, plus it's just clipping on a 3d model you prolly dont even wear a lot, you'll live.
@SuggrRush i feel like if they tried to completely eliminate clipping on a base that iirc has no blendshapes to shrink the body they'd quit their bitching