LF: Crane (妙楽鳥) by Kaibatu2mm
【3D model】妙楽鳥【VRChat avatar】 - kaibatu2mm LAB - BOOTH
[original 3D model] 妙楽鳥 bird of pureland [VRChat avatar] ● 2025.1.10 (fry) 21:00~ 発売予定 PC版VRC想定オリジナル3Dモデルです。 購入した時点で以下に記載の規約に同意したものとみなします。 original 3D model for the PC version of VRC. Please agree to the following terms and conditions. ______________________________________________ ●サンプル試着アバター設置ワールド
Looking for this absolutely GLORIOUS avatar by Kaibatu!! I've been following Dev for a while and fell in love with this absolutely gorgeous avatar. Sadly he is SIGNIFICANTLY out of my price range at over 120 USD and I cannot support the creator despite really wishing I could. I still want to get my hands on him though :')!!! Help a brother out if you decide to buy him yourself?
its not out until the 1/10 btw
@Donut I remember I think either HellWorker or Angel getting leaked here before so it's POSSIBLE, but I think the only way it's getting leaked is if people did a price split. I've noticed people who buy expensive avatars tend to want to trade for equally expensive avatars and not leak :')
@ClaptasticFrag true true, idk how split work, and idk how many here would be ready to
6 more days until they get released bros