SOLVED: LF: Crane (妙楽鳥) by Kaibatu2mm (Found by TheGoldenProxy)
FOUND BY @TheGoldenProxy
File contains: Unity Package, Blend Files, and Photoshop Files
【3D model】妙楽鳥【VRChat avatar】 - kaibatu2mm LAB - BOOTH
[original 3D model] 妙楽鳥 bird of pureland [VRChat avatar] ● 2025.1.10 (fry) 21:00~ 発売予定 PC版VRC想定オリジナル3Dモデルです。 購入した時点で以下に記載の規約に同意したものとみなします。 original 3D model for the PC version of VRC. Please agree to the following terms and conditions. ______________________________________________ ●サンプル試着アバター設置ワールド
Looking for this absolutely GLORIOUS avatar by Kaibatu!! I've been following Dev for a while and fell in love with this absolutely gorgeous avatar. Sadly he is SIGNIFICANTLY out of my price range at over 120 USD and I cannot support the creator despite really wishing I could. I still want to get my hands on him though :')!!! Help a brother out if you decide to buy him yourself?
its not out until the 1/10 btw
Could always possibly do a price split ?
@Donut I remember I think either HellWorker or Angel getting leaked here before so it's POSSIBLE, but I think the only way it's getting leaked is if people did a price split. I've noticed people who buy expensive avatars tend to want to trade for equally expensive avatars and not leak :')
@Donut I remember I think either HellWorker or Angel getting leaked here before so it's POSSIBLE, but I think the only way it's getting leaked is if people did a price split. I've noticed people who buy expensive avatars tend to want to trade for equally expensive avatars and not leak :')
@ClaptasticFrag true true, idk how split work, and idk how many here would be ready to
@ClaptasticFrag true true, idk how split work, and idk how many here would be ready to
@Donut price splitting is multiple people pooling together money to buy the avatar or files, usually working it out so they send one person the money they trust most to buy the avatar.
6 more days until they get released bros