[DL] 【VRC想定】全30種Trail & Particles & Poi
Download<3Enjoy, and if you ever need any avatars, assets, etc. js hit me up easy!
But if you are not willing to help the forum, don't ask. It's very very disrespectful to just get what you want and then delete your acc just like him.
wrote on 20 Nov 2024, 13:38 last edited by
【VRC想定】瞳エフェクト2【アニメーション200種類セット】 / Pupil Effect2 - だまこや - BOOTH
■商品内容 だまこやの人気商品【瞳エフェクト】の追加エフェクトが登場!より豪華に、より使いやすくなりました。 追加エフェクト数は200!全てアニメーションします。 今回は瞳エフェクトに加え、メガネエフェクト(専用メガネあり)、ネイルエフェクトの3セットになります。 MA対応で導入は簡単。 更に以下のように豪華な仕様になっておりますので是非ご確認ください! 分かりやすい導入案内付属! 初代【瞳エフェクト(別売)】の素材もスロットにセットでき、合計400種類のエフェクトがお使いいただけます https://kodamaaltanative.booth.pm/items/4791165
Can I request this?
wrote on 20 Nov 2024, 14:01 last edited by
Agree a lot of people are like that.
i help and even buy avatars to share sure i cannot be crazy buying all o the ones i wnat cuz yeah it adds up 50 after 50 after 50. so i share what i can. sometimes people dont even thank you thumbs up etc for them.but regardless compared to VRmodels. atleast this place is Slightly less toxic than that website.
wrote on 20 Nov 2024, 14:14 last edited by
What a rude person...
Could you please share this asset?【森羅Shinra】🩷清楚メイク&瞳🩷【テクスチャ】 - 33SHOP - BOOTH
森羅 オリジナル3Dモデル #Shinra3D https://booth.pm/ja/items/4707634
Thank you for always sharing your assets!
wrote on 20 Nov 2024, 14:19 last edited by
would you happen to have the self light prefab? or would anyone have the self light prefab i would greatly appreciate it.
wrote on 20 Nov 2024, 14:37 last edited by
Thank you!
and I'm looking for this
ver1.0.71 -
wrote on 20 Nov 2024, 15:18 last edited by
Thank you so much! So sorry to ask you for these. Preferably Shinano or Moe version
https://booth.pm/en/items/5861054 -
Agree a lot of people are like that.
i help and even buy avatars to share sure i cannot be crazy buying all o the ones i wnat cuz yeah it adds up 50 after 50 after 50. so i share what i can. sometimes people dont even thank you thumbs up etc for them.but regardless compared to VRmodels. atleast this place is Slightly less toxic than that website.
@Potato2022 I'm sick of they and people asking for trade
wrote on 20 Nov 2024, 16:40 last edited by justachillguy
Thank you so much for your generosity! It really means so much to a lot of us!
If it's okay I'm going to ask for some things I want but also what I've seen others who are here on the forum want too.Would love to see these myself!
MermaidDress-マーメイドドレス-複数アバター対応 - Enchanted_tim - BOOTH
Sales Period: From October 18, 2024, 18:00 (Japan Time) Special Launch Sale until October 27: Single Item: ¥1800 → ¥1500 Full Set: ¥4000 → ¥3000 販売記念セール10月27日まで 単品1800円→1500円 フルセット4000円→3000円 Mermaiddressは、エレガントで美しいデザインのVRChat向けドレスアバターです。人魚のようなシルエットが特徴で、細部までこだわったディテールが魅力です。 高品質なデザイン:
【7体対応】トレンチコートコーデ - Natelier -ナトリエ- - BOOTH
VRChatでの使用を想定したトレンチコートのコーディネートです。なお、画像のアバターは付属ではありませんのでご注意ください。 【対応アバター・胸の仕様】 〇:シェイプキーとPhysBone対応 △:シェイプキー対応・PhysBone非対応 ✕:シェイプキー非対応 森羅:big〇/small〇/flat〇 しなの:big〇/flat〇 愛莉:big〇/small〇/flat〇 マヌカ:big〇/big PLUS〇 桔梗:big〇/small〇 ラシューシャ:big〇/small〇 しお:big〇/small〇/flat〇 【仕様】 トレンチコートコーデ
BECKENZI スリムドレス/Bodycon Dress - BECKENZI - BOOTH
Preview uses Poiyomi BECKENZI ジッパーブーツ https://beckenzi.booth.pm/items/6020155 -------------------------------------------------------- オリジナル3Dモデル「マヌカ」ver1.00 https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/5058077 【オリジナル3Dモデル】 Sio / しお https://booth.pm/en/items/5650156 オリジナル3Dモデル「ヴェール・Velle」
These are a little pricey to very pricey but I have seen a few people asking for some of these for a while now if you wanted to spread the love to them ♡
『Night Butterfly』 SELECT SHOP-Cornet- #ナイトバタフライ #セレコル - SELECT SHOP -Cornet- - BOOTH
SELECTSHOP-Cornet- 『 Night Butterfly 』 シースルーのインナーとベストを合わせることで、露出感を抑え、宝石を随所に散りばめて高級感を演出しました。 インナー、ベスト、スカート、ヒール、イヤリング、ネックレスの5点セット✨ 宝石の光沢は、MLshaderをMeltyLilyのゆいぴさんにお借りしました💎 Credit 宝石表現:MLShader ※ML Shader は利用許可を得た上で同梱しています Melty Lily ゆいぴ(@yuipxq) https://meltylily.booth.pm/ サムネイル撮影:すま /
【VRC対応3D服飾モデル】FUYUMIDORI Resort Style ver1.00 - yoyogi mori - BOOTH
YOYOGI MORIにて、冬緑の制作している「FUYUMIDORI Resort Style」販売開始です!
and one specific user bumping a thread for a model for months now with no luck and I think they'd really appreciate and be grateful for any help towards this
PC版VRC想定オリジナル3Dモデルです。 以下の規約に同意してご利用ください。 ↓試着ワールドです。2023/7/7更新 https://vrch.at/kxrgk60m
Anything is appreciated, if these are too much I understand. Just trying to spread the love. Thank you again, for sharing so much with us already!
S Satella21 referenced this topic on 20 Nov 2024, 22:07
if possible