[DL] 【まめふれんず】Magic Cat Bunny (ギミック付 MA対応)
Is there a Dance Animation for this?
I am wondering if you have this animation please.
Love It Dance Animation - pH MotionWorks - BOOTH
3D Animation data of the Love It dance. Based on various Love It dances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzAHOTZ6MPw Basic knowledge of Unity is required to use this product. Japanese MMD BlendShapes names are used for facial expressions. Models in the preview video not included. Original animation
Is there a Dance Animation for this?
I am wondering if you have this animation please.
Love It Dance Animation - pH MotionWorks - BOOTH
3D Animation data of the Love It dance. Based on various Love It dances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzAHOTZ6MPw Basic knowledge of Unity is required to use this product. Japanese MMD BlendShapes names are used for facial expressions. Models in the preview video not included. Original animation
Wow... That's a cute Kipfel Outfit!
Are there anymore of Kipfel Assets texture like this
I love Kipfel a lot...If have a chance Please.
【 キプフェル Kipfel / Doll Joint - Body Texture 】 - IHNI - BOOTH
Kipfel : https://mukumi.booth.pm/items/5813187 Pose source : https://emptylab0.booth.pm/items/5935249 !!!手のひら部分と色が変な部分を修正した1.1バージョンをアップデートしました。お手数をおかけして申し訳ありません。!!! OnGoing RT&Followイベント 抽選で3名様にプレゼント 10/6 23:59 (JST)まで ⬇ ⬇ 参加方法 ⬇ ⬇
キプフェル / Kipfel GuruGuru Eye Texture - Rimeo Shop - BOOTH
キプフェル対応のEye Textureです ·対応アバター https://booth.pm/ja/items/5813187 ·使用商品 https://meronfarm.booth.pm/items/5900411 ·内容物 Eye Texture .png/psd file ·利用規約 再配布禁止 修正などの改変は自由です
@shimikoro Enjoy your kipfel UwU
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/42185/ -
@masaki Thank you for sharing this much with us! Much love and appreciation for this
Do you have these 2 by chance?https://booth.pm/en/items/6139726
https://booth.pm/en/items/4155489 -
Thank You So Much! I was looking for this!
Is there another one for Kipfel Clothing?if you have a chance that's you can bring More Kipfel Stuff Please.
【MameFriends】SubculxBear - Rimeo Shop - BOOTH
本モデルはVRchatでの利用を想定した3Dモデルデータです まめふれんず対応のサブカル系服です! 髪の毛、ピアス、ヘアピン、服、靴でセットになっております ※キプフェル素体Body_Baseの Shape Key Upper arm_OFF / Chest02_OFFを100にしてください ※まめひなたサイズに使う場合はScaleを1にしてください ※髪の毛はキプフェルに合わせて対応されてます ✦対応アバター✦ (まめふれんず) https://booth.pm/ja/items/5813187 https://booth.pm/ja/items/4340548 ✦内容物✦
@masaki Thank you for sharing this much with us! Much love and appreciation for this
Do you have these 2 by chance?https://booth.pm/en/items/6139726
https://booth.pm/en/items/4155489@Satella21 plssss do not spam. i'll do it soon.
@masaki Thank you for sharing this much with us! Much love and appreciation for this
Do you have these 2 by chance?https://booth.pm/en/items/6139726
https://booth.pm/en/items/4155489@Satella21 Hope you enjoy this<3
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/42373 -
Thank you Masaki!! So cute!