[DL] 【まめふれんず】Magic Cat Bunny (ギミック付 MA対応)
Thank You So Much! I was looking for this!
Is there another one for Kipfel Clothing?if you have a chance that's you can bring More Kipfel Stuff Please.
【MameFriends】SubculxBear - Rimeo Shop - BOOTH
本モデルはVRchatでの利用を想定した3Dモデルデータです まめふれんず対応のサブカル系服です! 髪の毛、ピアス、ヘアピン、服、靴でセットになっております ※キプフェル素体Body_Baseの Shape Key Upper arm_OFF / Chest02_OFFを100にしてください ※まめひなたサイズに使う場合はScaleを1にしてください ※髪の毛はキプフェルに合わせて対応されてます ✦対応アバター✦ (まめふれんず) https://booth.pm/ja/items/5813187 https://booth.pm/ja/items/4340548 ✦内容物✦
Is there a Dance Animation for this?
I am wondering if you have this animation please.
Love It Dance Animation - pH MotionWorks - BOOTH
3D Animation data of the Love It dance. Based on various Love It dances. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzAHOTZ6MPw Basic knowledge of Unity is required to use this product. Japanese MMD BlendShapes names are used for facial expressions. Models in the preview video not included. Original animation
@shimikoro Enjoy your kipfel UwU
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/42185/ -
@masaki Thank you for sharing this much with us! Much love and appreciation for this
Do you have these 2 by chance?https://booth.pm/en/items/6139726
https://booth.pm/en/items/4155489 -
@Satella21 plssss do not spam. i'll do it soon.
@Satella21 Hope you enjoy this<3
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/42373 -
Thank you Masaki!! So cute!