LF: Robo's Footsteppies V2 or similar assets
wrote on 11 Nov 2024, 14:07 last edited by
Robo's Footsteppies V2
A Second Footstepping package, for all those people that wanna do their steppie dance and show exactly how their foots have been placed.This package comes with new textures for the footsteps all made to work with directional facing effects. The prints face the exact direction your foot was in when you put your foot down. Perfect for those who might wanna show off how their feet are facing when dancing or just those who wanna tap their feet around and make lil marks on the ground. The included prints are as followsPawprintsShoePrintSockPrintTipToe PrintBloody FootprintDirectional ArrowsSetup video for making this work can be found on the last cover page in this listing.TOSPersonal License - You may use the package on your private avatars that doesn't directly generate revenue this does include if you're a youtuber or streamer generating revenue in a direct way off of the package.Commercial License - You're free to use the package on paid vrchat avatars as well as using it as a way to generate revenue in any media format.You may use the package for Public avatars.You may use for free avatars or nitro avatarsDo not resell as a standalone product, only on finished avatars.When using this package link to this asset should exist in the description of the avatar.
Gumroad (robocaps.gumroad.com)
Just looking for this or any similar assets since I wanna edit it into a blackwall-like walking effect :3
thankies in advance
wrote on 11 Nov 2024, 23:23 last edited by
wrote on 19 Nov 2024, 22:30 last edited by
wrote on 29 Nov 2024, 13:27 last edited by
I came to you with your loot!
Robo's Footsteppies v2