Gift: Kaneki By Kami (2024 not 2023 ver.)
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
MediaFire (
This one has the updated pc files
wrote on 13 Nov 2024, 04:41 last edited by@potatobunny I love youuuu thanks so much!
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
MediaFire (
This one has the updated pc files
wrote on 13 Nov 2024, 09:58 last edited by@potatobunny thank you so much
if anyones able to get his fbx in blender (mine crashes) could they take the ears off him for me?
wrote on 24 Nov 2024, 08:45 last edited by
everything got deleted.. any new link? or one i can clone off of
wrote on 5 Dec 2024, 08:25 last edited by
possible reupload
Yea it got a dmca but i can reup if he's still on my gumroad
Yea it got a dmca but i can reup if he's still on my gumroad
wrote on 6 Dec 2024, 17:54 last edited by@potatobunny yes plssss
wrote on 6 Dec 2024, 22:47 last edited by
Yea it got a dmca but i can reup if he's still on my gumroad
wrote on 24 Dec 2024, 05:24 last edited by@potatobunny can u reupload pls
wrote on 5 Jan 2025, 17:52 last edited by
Bump, reupload pls @potatobunny
Bump, reupload pls @potatobunny
@Terminator6000 @kanekiigoat @BenDoverDom
I do NOT plan on making a new link if this one goes down <33
@Terminator6000 @kanekiigoat @BenDoverDom
I do NOT plan on making a new link if this one goes down <33
@potatobunny if you're able to upload directly to vrm that might help and you won't have to keep reuploading :3
@potatobunny if you're able to upload directly to vrm that might help and you won't have to keep reuploading :3
@SeraphicRoses he already is on vrm here
@SeraphicRoses he already is on vrm here
wrote on 8 Jan 2025, 09:57 last edited by@Sleepybunnzz The PC version on VRM wont even go to playmode for me, idk why, its saying VRCFury is missing components, ima try uploading it from potatobunnys link now
wrote on 8 Jan 2025, 10:22 last edited by
VRCFury encountered an error.
Failed to build VRCFury component: FullControllerBuilder.Apply on Avatar Root
You're missing some files needed for this VRCFury asset. Are you sure you've imported all the packages needed? Here are the files that are missing:
Packages/adjerry91.vrcft.templates/Animators/Unified Expressions Blendshapes/Parameters - Face Tracking - UE Blendshapes.asset
Packages/adjerry91.vrcft.templates/Animators/Unified Expressions Blendshapes/FX - Face Tracking - UE Blendshapes.controller
Packages/adjerry91.vrcft.templates/Animators/Eye Rotation/Additive - Eye Tracking - Eye Rotation.controller
Packages/adjerry91.vrcft.templates/Animators/Unified Expressions Blendshapes/Face Tracking Control - UE Blendshapes.asset(Exception in Apply at FullControllerBuilder.cs:113:21)
W 2022.3.22f1 3.6.1 1.985.0The VRCSDK build was aborted because the VRCSDKPreprocessAvatarCallback 'VrcPreuploadHook' reported a failure.
Thats the error message, it didnt even go into playmode
wrote on 8 Jan 2025, 10:37 last edited by
im stupid LMAO, just delete the missing scripts with FACS and import the VRC face tracking unity package over here
wrote on 28 Jan 2025, 18:44 last edited by
pc version?
@lolxd pc versions in the link
KANEKI 3.0 (Quest I PC I OPTI I Facetracking)
K A N E K I 3.0COLLAB WITH POISON CLICK HEREDM FOR PAYPAL SALES OR MAKE A TICKET IN MY SERVER! This avatar uses VRChat Creator Companion & Poiyomi Pro 7.3 up to 9.1.6 please make sure you use Unity 2022.3.6f1 and the package tool resolver to 0.1.29 or the avatar will not upload also use SDK version 3.6.1 & VRC FURY version 1.985.0130 plus toggles PhysbonesGogo Locomotionpc, face tracking, opti and quest versions.Rigged SPS with animationsFullbody tracking re weight painted base with twist bonesAvatar ScalingFake Index Hands for Quest usersComes with 6 different hairstylesCustom dissolve togglesCustom throw togglesSeamless Neck merged to headDissolve Toggles: Fishnet, Tanktop, T shirt, Puffer, Sweater, Hoodie, Chrome Jeans, Ripped spiral jeans, Baggy Pants, Sweats, Briefs, BB belt, Belt star, Anime bag, normal bag, balaclava, blindfold, wolf ears, wolf tail, eye patch, glasses, glove, halo with particles, hand wrap, headphones, mouth tape, face mask, arm straps, face chain, silver horns, necklace one, necklace two, necklace three, long cross necklace, wrist chain, rings, pearl chain, arm chain, NY HAT, FBI HAT, TORN DIESEL CAP, airforces custom made, jordan fours custom made, air 90s, socks, shoes off, arthurs hair, shinras hair, poc locks, mullet, straight hair, buzzcut, shos katana, full fireforce fire man fit, fireman pants only fit, full karate outfit with blindfold, cadet full fit, cadet hat and pants only option, fire feet, kick fire feet, adolla world change, fire extinguisher with foam, feet trail, sword menu with lots of options, 12 eye texture swaps, sputter follower pet, 4 body swaps, 8 fishnet swaps, 8 hair color options, pant swaps, skintone color swap, sweater swaps, hat swaps, shoe color swaps, hoodie and t shirt swaps, face mask swaps(ALL COLOR SWAPS 100 PERCENT TESTED AND FUNCTIONAL NOTHING RESETS UPON WORLD CHANGESAKI BASE V2 UNRELEASED VERSION FIXED SHOULDERS BETTER WEIGHT PAINT BETTER FINGERS THAN ACE BASE WAY BETTER MOVEMENT!FULL GOGO LOCOMOTION WITH LEG LOCK OPTION FOR HALF BODY USERS AND INDEX FINGER TRACKING MOD FOR QUEST CONTROLLER USERS.CUSTOM FOLLOWER WITH A TON OF FEATURES INCLUDING RECORDING YOU AS A CAMERA AND FOLLOWING MOVEMENTS IDLE ANIMATIONS TOUCH ANIMATIONS AND MORE.CREDITSBase - AKII BASE RE SCULPTED AND WEIGHT PAINTED BY ME and Akira NO RE USEHead- Zinpia (heavy edit and custom face textures do not re use) tyakiKaneki Tenticles - MSAGElots of texuring by - FRESH CLICK LINKTenticles high poly bake KYTAIQuest Conversion- REDSHARDFace tracking by- luvvrEye Shaders - Virtual Threads (NEON)Body texture - HussyBriefs- RINZYJewelry- RINZY(NO RE USE)ALL KANEKI FITS AND ACESSORIES BY Puffer- SWEET RINZACLE NO RE USE FUR BY FRESHSleeveless Puffer- ZADDY RINZYHoodie- RINZY ( NO RE USE)Tank top- huntyMouth tank top- hunty edited no re use on the editWolf Ears- AkiraMale corset- RINZY ( NO REUSE )Face Mask- RINZYStarbag- Wiliem (no re use on textures)Chrome Bag- RINZY ( NO RE USE)Ripped Jeans- freshhhhRick owen pants- RINZY (NO RE USE)Rick owen shorts- RINZY (NO RE USE)Strap Pants- RINZY ( NO RE USE)Bandaids- milkymuttEyepatch- RINZY ( NO RE USE)CHAIN handwarmer- RINZY (NO RE USE)head plush- KC NO RE USE ON TEXTUREarm warmer- 0.21stickers- Mrs milkymuttwaist shirt- RINZY ( NO RE USE)VW Chain- 7517Spike Choker- RINZLERCH Bracelet- RINZACLEStar bracelet- RINZY NO RE USEAGEmouth rod- meaf1s- 0 RE USE RINZY!!amiris- 0 RE USE AT ALL RINZYrick shoes- RINZYsocks-plazzip pants - KC (0 reuse on the textures)TORNHAT- RINZY Comission no re useNY HAT- RINZYBeanie- RINZYBB BELT- RINZY COMISSION NO RE USECHECK OUT RINZYS STORE: OUT RINZYS STORE: FRESHBody Veins- notakaaGlove- RINZYSPS- SCARKATHairs- DelorHairs- SaikuraHairs- minkiBuzzcut- ZinpiaSocks - PlazGOGO LOCO - FRANADAIF I MISSED ANY CREDITS LET ME KNOW!QUEST KANEKI 3.0 TOGGLES SO QUEST USERS ALSO SEE YOU MAX 10MB 200K POLYS LIMIT!!By purchasing this product you agree that you will NOT redistribute the package in any form In addition to:v1. Leaking, trading, no price splitting, reselling or having accessible to public.2. Taking parts made by me or other creators for resale or personal use, this includes sculpts.3. Fill out your full discord name and vrchat name on checkout This avatar is protected by Copyright Law, illegal distribution and failure to abide by the given Terms of Service of the said asset can be subjected to fines between $200 to $150,000, infringer pays actual dollar amount of damages and profits made by said stolen asset, the infringer will pay all attorney fees and court costs, illegal iterations of the stolen work can be impounded and possible jail time. If you need more information on copyright please visit, for more information. If I'm missing any credits or you have any problems with the avatar please do not hesitate to send me a message or if you want anything added to the avatar we can work something out! Kami#6754 showcase by reussie teaser by the addydays mico.monkey Toggle ShowcaseSinify AND VirtuallyKatsu PICS TY BOYS!
Gumroad (
Here my stinkies <33
wrote on 30 Jan 2025, 04:35 last edited by@potatobunny it broken link removrd files it says ;-; can u re upload
@potatobunny it broken link removrd files it says ;-; can u re upload this link still works