Looking For FoxMoth Loona Edit
@the_stupid I know. Someone linked the gumroad where the textures and hair come from, however, the public avatar they posted uses those assets as well.
https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_dfa6c16c-7175-43e0-89d5-3587f45982e8I'm personally not sure of how to rip, nor how to do so safely, which is why I bumped.
ill make an aio uploadable version and upload the unity file in a day or 2
@Midday47 you can grab the textures, tail, and hair from the ripped one and apply them to the foxmoth FT base. tis what i did in the end, but i personally like the foxmoth ears better so i didn't worry about the ears or the head fluff. Though it may be better overall to just drag the edited mesh into the foxmoth FT fbx in blender and work from there.
Also bump, and maybe @cosmicwolfz21 is done.
I am indeed done
i have tested in game on both pc and quest
the only thing thats not working is the nose boop but im sure its an easy fix
i have also added 3 outfits of the foxmoth clothes
https://workupload.com/file/zzLnRtugfjs -
I am indeed done
i have tested in game on both pc and quest
the only thing thats not working is the nose boop but im sure its an easy fix
i have also added 3 outfits of the foxmoth clothes
https://workupload.com/file/zzLnRtugfjs@cosmicwolfz21 Thank you so much!
anyone know how to make this nsfw
gonna have to do it yourself in blender, can combine the nsfw foxmoth with the loona textures and ears or some combination of the two you feel comfy with (maybe editing the textures to include the nsfw pieces from the former). I ended up just making my own blendshapes on the NSFW version of the foxmoth to make it loona-ish, but im not good at it by any means.
anyone know how to make this nsfw
Just go to blender grab the texture + hair, slap it onto the nsfw model. then add the foxmoth clothing using Cats merge armatures. Then just make them toggles in unity (also make the nips to flatten for those clothing toggles) -
in blender you'll not only need a nip flatten blendshape, but also a mound flatten, as it protrudes a bit as well through the non-nsfw clothing. vrcfury in unity is a godsend for making those toggles to include those blendshape tweaks.
@nonohun If you could that would be great also another thing all the versions of this Avi i have found have issues with the thighs having clipping issues with custom clothing i been buying for the fox moth base the only ones that don't clip is the comfy set the Panda VD keeps clipping along with the thigh highs on the lounge and twitter outfit
as you can see in the thighs here
gonna have to do it yourself in blender, can combine the nsfw foxmoth with the loona textures and ears or some combination of the two you feel comfy with (maybe editing the textures to include the nsfw pieces from the former). I ended up just making my own blendshapes on the NSFW version of the foxmoth to make it loona-ish, but im not good at it by any means.
@ashleyloire I've been looking for the NSFW version of the foxmoth for a while but couldn't find it anywhere. Think you could help me out? Please? Will definitely appreciate it