rouge blender model from nottanj
@Takisch you won't never have it, at most you'll have it but it'll just look like.. that
the only problem i know i CAN'T fix is the weird pose it's at, as that's just how vrchat poses it's avatars. I can fix the shoulders by forcibly twisting them until they're at a better angle, and I can fix the thumbs and pinky by- well idk ^^' hopefully the same way I fix the shouldersoh, and the tongue by sticking it to the mouth lol
Aight, news is good, rather have progress updates than radio silence, keep up the good work
@Volttekka the radio is so silent because this avatar is surprisingly REALLY ANNOYING to work on lmao. most of it isn't even due to the model or unity or vrc, it's due to how, truthfully, I have no idea what I'm doing. So atp it's like walking through mud, having to encounter a problem, see how long it'll take to do, then doing it only to see it'll take even longer. This really has me forgiving how terribly yanderedev did as I'm starting to do a lot of things he did just because I really have no other idea how to fix it lmao. but every so often I try to get something out, even if it's sorta nothing like this.
every update takes even longer too due to a mixure of how bad I am at unity, and how much I absolutely hate using unity. so I unfortunately keep putting it off. but bat tits bring me back to this avatar at least