God Magician help
I want to edit a God Magician but im having trouble with making textures.. does anyone have any textures for god magician or can help me learn how to edit textures in blender?
I just started making textures in blender and need tips. I see so many people making textures with certain symbols and stuff and i want to know how do people add those onto a model / avatar while in blender?
https://godfall.club/products/godmagician -
@kantana11 i dont have screen shots but i really want a god magician body+head package to only keep so i could edit it. i just dont know how to set the parameters and get rid of certain things on a god magician. i also recently found out how to make my own textures but i really need advice and help on how to get rid of things in blender and uploading it to unity or just editing alltogether
@Kind_Fella im trying a different way but ill let you know if it doesnt work well
Someone could just drop the FBX of it without the standards clothings and wings , and the furry bodyparts. That'd be god's work.