Security check failed
Hello! I have some old avatars that have this problem on Vrchat, the game gives me a text with "Security checks failed", when I try to use the avatar I just see a Robot with an error, or in some cases i cannot even change it, the button doesnt let me.
If I change the avatar via VRCX I somehow manage to see it with all the menus and stuff, is there a way to re-enable those avis? -
Had that issues sometimes,
best advice is to make a new project . and reupload the avi.
sometimes it works xD -
The problem is that I do not have the project anymore. Those are mostly avi that I uploaded 1 year or more ago, I also had to reset my PC trought the year. The only way should be ripping my own avatar and remake the project, that is kinda a pain in the ass if they gave lot of menus and animations
Reading the patch notes of 7 December I found how
My stuff failed, but it isn’t bad! Its not a crasher bro i swear just show my avatar
That’s fine! We are fully expecting some false positives.
If you have anon an avatar you uploaded or see “Security Checks Failed”, please contact our Support team 241 with the avatar ID, and they’ll pass it on to the relevant team.
You can also see this on the site if you try to view the avatar ID.
Reading the patch notes of 7 December I found how
My stuff failed, but it isn’t bad! Its not a crasher bro i swear just show my avatar
That’s fine! We are fully expecting some false positives.
If you have anon an avatar you uploaded or see “Security Checks Failed”, please contact our Support team 241 with the avatar ID, and they’ll pass it on to the relevant team.
You can also see this on the site if you try to view the avatar ID.
@Marine what if the avatar is nsfw?
@bassboostedbit thats a good question, I am not sure if I will reach out for re-enabling those avis
By Posting User Content, you affirm, represent, and warrant that: […] your User Content could not be deemed by a reasonable person to be objectionable, profane, indecent, pornographic, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate.
^This is what Vrchat tells you when you upload something, and thats kinda weird since there is literally a tag with NSFW while uploading it, i guess it's just related to blood/gore stuff -
I have a ton of avas now that have this same issue, a lot of them are ripped from a long time ago so i cant just give them my ripped ava and be like "oh this ava is having that check fail" even if i could i no longer have the vrca's for them. If someone can find out what the issue is, that would be extremely awesome.
This can be flagged by a number of issues but the most relevant one for older avi's would probably be that since August 16th, uploads can only be 200mb download and 500mb uncompressed as opposed to before where download was 500mb and 1.2gb uncompressed. For ripped avi's, VRC have added methods of detecting hotswapped VRCA files and other tools that place a VRCA file into the upload, essentially the check looks for modification upon upload and if it detects anything modifying the upload in an unusual way (outside of something like VRCFury, more looking for something like Shrek or so) then the security check can fail. If it has a quest version, if there was at some point a modification to allow it to reach past the 40mb uncompressed limit or the 10mb download limit, the check will now fail until updated.
This can be flagged by a number of issues but the most relevant one for older avi's would probably be that since August 16th, uploads can only be 200mb download and 500mb uncompressed as opposed to before where download was 500mb and 1.2gb uncompressed. For ripped avi's, VRC have added methods of detecting hotswapped VRCA files and other tools that place a VRCA file into the upload, essentially the check looks for modification upon upload and if it detects anything modifying the upload in an unusual way (outside of something like VRCFury, more looking for something like Shrek or so) then the security check can fail. If it has a quest version, if there was at some point a modification to allow it to reach past the 40mb uncompressed limit or the 10mb download limit, the check will now fail until updated.
@VRCArchivist So then all the ripped avas i have, which i dont rip anymore but does that mean i have no choice but to delete them? If i had the vrca's still, id work on them but i deleted all of them. I'm assuming theres nothing else i can do, this sucks because the ripped avas i have, have a lot of stuff on them such as fx, etc and cant replace them.
Unfortunately if they've now been flagged as failing the check and you no longer have access to the VRCA file, I'd have to say yes.
I'm not currently aware of any method that allows VRChat to load security checked content, though the fact that the OP could load the avatar enough so show as visible in the menu with vrcx, you could check and see if it also happens to load the vrca file into temp storage, but I'm assuming it wouldn't let it get far enough to do so. That doesn't mean that it couldn't though, so you could check and see. If you hadn't cleared cache since the last time the avatar was available on platform, you could potentially find it amongst the temp files, but that would be a headache in and of itself, on top of the fact that we don't exactly know what the VRChat security check is examining, just broad details. If you do find it, I would think that for the avatar to pass these checks now, you'd have to unpack the vrca, rebuild avatar bones, the layers, and attempt to restore the shaders back to how they were before.
Ultimately, say unless it was an avatar you were really attached to and it isn't listed in a repository or floating out in avatar search or hosted by someone else / purchasable then unfortunately without any source file to work with, I don't see a way of salvaging the avatar and it may just have to be deleted, unless by some miracle an avatar can clear the flag without a reupload or manual inspection, but I've yet to see that happen.
Damn so this is the end of ripping as we know it
thankfully I moved on to using unitypackages now but damn end of a whole ass era