LF: Lilith Deer/Goat Hybrid Vrchat Furry 3.0
Lilith Deer/Goat Hybrid Vrchat Furry 3.0
🦌🐐 Lillith the goat / deer hybrid is here! 🦌🐐Community interaction and assistance always available in the discord server! Come join and hang out, and show everyone your edits/pics from in game if you'd like :) Discord Server Gogoloco pre-installed on both main Quest and PC packages .^^ These avatars are designed with functional mmd shapes! :D There is also complimentary face tracking (unified shapes) included for quest pro free in their own pre-built pack (easy uploading!!!) I am still learning them :3 any tips or input please feel free to message me anytime! ✨ Main Version ✨Cute shoulder wiggly plush pup! Can be tossed and placed in world space!Ear tag status system with PSD supplied for customization!Dancing feather fansThree unique hairstyles! (Short , buns, and long!)Clothing toggles- Jeans- Bikini bottoms- Shorts- Skirt- Strappy top- Bodysuit- Cuddly top- Cuddly top sleeves- Dress with dynamics!- Overshirt button up- TeeAccessory/Extra Toggles- Bow choker with dynamics- Strappy Belt- Jewelry (rings, earrings)- Arm warmers- Leg warmers- Ear Tag- Boots- Head pat animation (tail wags!)- Nose squish animationBody toggles - Hair short- Hair up- Hair long- Chest size radial- Goat face shape toggle- Antlers- Ram horns- Goat horns- Fluffy hoovesHue Toggles- Body glitter slider- Alternate eye sets - Eye Hue- Hair hue and emission brightness- Body emission hue and brightness- Cuddle top hue- Dress Hue- Jeans Hue🖤 Alt Version 🖤Tarot card fidget toys!Gothic kitty box followerHellfire hoof particles Clothing toggles- Bikini top- Bikini bottom- Shorts- Sweats- Crop bandeau- Droopy sleeve top- Hoodie- Monokini- Overalls- Shirt Dress- Skelly crop topAccessory/Extra Toggles- Ear piercings- Facial piercings- Collar- Buckle boots- Bracelets- Arm nets- Leg Nets- Rings- Stockings- Demon Tail- Demon Wings- Wrist Warmers- Kitty follower- Tarot cards- Hellfire hoovesBody toggles- Hair short- Hair up- Hair long- Chest size radial- Goat face shape toggle- Antlers- Ram horns- Goat horns- Fluffy hoovesHue Toggles- Body glitter slider- Alternate eye sets - Eye Hue- Hair hue and emission brightness- Body emission hue and brightness- Devil wings hue- Devil tail hue- Hellfire hue🌿 Fantasy Version 🌿Fantasy magic wings (glow and dynamic!)Fantasy spirit follower Fantasy magic hands with particles that move based on velocity! Super fun!Clothing toggles- Dancer bottoms- Bell bottom jeans- Bikini bottoms- Cardigan- Dancer top- Dress- Dress arms- Butterfly Chest GemsAccessory/Extra Toggles- Ear piercings- Facial piercings- Rigged earring hoops- Body gems top- Body gems bottom- Belly piercings- Flower Crown- Mushroom hat with dynamic pearls- Ribbon arms- Rings- WingsBody toggles- Hair short- Hair up- Hair long- Chest size radial- Goat face shape toggle- Antlers- Ram horns- Goat horns- Fluffy hoovesHue Toggles- Body glitter slider- Alternate eye sets - Eye Hue- Hair hue and emission brightness- Body emission hue and brightness- Mushroom Hue- Flower Hue- Particle Hue- Gems HueProbably some I have forgotten about!! :)Full SPS on all avis aside from good ranks✅ Good Rank ✅Clothing toggles- Tee- ShortsAccessory/Extra Toggles- Head pat - Nose squish animationBody toggles (ALL AVATARS)- Hair short- Hair up- Hair long- Chest size radial- Goat face shape toggle- Antlers- Ram horns- Goat horns- Fluffy hoovesHue Toggles (hair and body coupled on good rank)- Body glitter slider- Alternate eye sets - Eye Hue- Hair hue and emission brightness- Body emission hue and brightnessProbably some I have forgotten about!! :)NOTES:For face tracking to fit on the avatar all hue shifts and several other things had to be disabled (and no gogoloco!). :) The main PC versions without face tracking have all features. MANY options are not available on the quest version, such as hue shifts, stockings, garter, collar etc. (they are there (disabled though!) if you'd like to swap between items in unity prior to upload though!) Quest just doesnt have enough room to include everything at once. . Colour hue, emission radials and many other things are NOT SUPPORTED on the quest platform, and therefore will be non-functional. All items exist on quest but I disabled select items, you are more than welcome to re-enable to items and swap around to find the best quest fit for you before upload! (Requires some knowledge of unity) :3 Join the discord and open a support thread if you want to play with these things and need help ! If you notice any clipping or issues with the avatar please dm (ideally with pics! ) me Foxipawz on discord and i'll fix them asap :3*** FOR FACE TRACKING USERS PLEASE ENSURE YOU HAVE ADJERRYS TEMPLATES ADDED INTO YOUR CREATOR COMPANION! *** (if you are not a face tracking use you can ignore this)HOW TO UPLOAD (PC)1 - Create a new unity project (2022 unity)2 - Import poiyomis (Any 8+ pack will work, I use 8.1 toon specifically)3 - Import free mochie shader (wisps will break without!!) 4 - Ensure VRCfury is added to your project or SPS will not load properly5 - Import the unity package for your chosen avatar ^^IF YOU NEED MORE HELP JUST MESSAGE IN THE SUPPORT CHANNEL OF MY DISCORD OR OPEN A TICKET :3 <3HOW TO UPLOAD (QUEST) DO NOT BRING POIYOMI INTO YOUR QUEST PROJECT!!! IT WILL INCREASE THE FILE SIZE! AND MAKE UPLOAD ISSUES!!! POIYOMI IS TO BE USED FOR PC ONLY!!!! 1 - Create a new unity project, ensure it is set to the android platform and that you have VRCfury installed2 - Import the QUEST unity package for your chosen avatar ^^ImportantDo not redistribute, resell, share, upload for a friend or trade this package. Private use only. You may use free parts of this avatar for your own avatar if you credit the original creator. For paid parts you have to buy the license from the creator themselves or for nitro assets you have to boost their server. No public uploads. No sharing these files to other websites, you agree you are 18+ years of age if purchasing my products. By checking the agree to TOS box, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms.CREDITS LISTAvatar extrashttps://franadavrc.gumroad.com/Avatar extra bits: (Some may not be applicable but check them out anyway!) : Body: sugs#9795, Mooshi, foxipaws, Misty , Wolfs Den 3D, Skuny0087, Astrafluff, Dancing cards and plushie doggo: https://gmsbox.gumroad.com/Glasses: https://bullets.gumroad.com/Shorts: https://saikura.gumroad.com/Skelly top: https://secretgarden647.gumroad.com/Bootyshorts and Bikini: https://beaniebaby.gumroad.com/T Dress: https://zioketski.gumroad.com/Kitty: https://payhip.com/BeartrapOveralls: https://vampii.gumroad.com/Stockings:https://vinuzhka.gumroad.com/Boots:https://holoexe.gumroad.com/Rings:https://holoexe.gumroad.com/Particles: https://robocaps.gumroad.com/Dance set and Crop: https://lolo-vrchat.gumroad.com/Button up: https://crabman823.gumroad.com/Bodysuit: https://aikavr.gumroad.com/Hoodie: https://hogkinsx99.gumroad.com/Flower Crown: https://larensvr.gumroad.com/Mushroom: https://payhip.com/NympheeRings, monokini and droopysleeves: https://payhip.com/Eggly69Dress: https://payhip.com/WeeebyBracelets: https://payhip.com/mon0ghostJeans and Sweats: https://zinpia.sellfy.store/Tee+warmers: https://meowmi.gumroad.com/ Shorts: https://holoexe.gumroad.com/Top: https://apyr.gumroad.com/Fans: https://deiswonderwall.gumroad.com/Shader: https://jinxxy.com/Sicknesst_/ngRI0Outfit: payhip.com/duccHair: https://nessy.store/Lingere: https://deimos.sellfy.store/Hair: https://saikura.gumroad.com/Hair: https://milanaroseta.gumroad.com/Facetracking template by: https://adjerry91.gumroad.com/Facetracking references by: https://github.com/benaclejames/VRCFaceTrackingBow choker: https://khihani.gumroad.com/HUGE thank you for testing help and pics to:Viranyx : https://viranyx.gumroad.com/Finn: https://kissmonster.gumroad.com/Pidge: https://www.twitch.tv/pidge_streamsIf I'm missing any credits please let me know and I'll add them right away :)
Gumroad (foxipaws.gumroad.com)
i think i downloaded this avatar from here before but the file was corrupted? idk >_<
yea the other file ended up working btw, i found it on here or vrmodels. i just re downloaded it and it was fine :333
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