LF: Raruh by Torinyan and Limebreaker (and other assets)
I wish there was a quest raruh ;_;
wrote on 23 Nov 2024, 02:16 last edited by@SillyRandomWoman ive made them quest multiple times but all personal lol its easy to do jst use vrquesttools
@SillyRandomWoman ive made them quest multiple times but all personal lol its easy to do jst use vrquesttools
wrote on 23 Nov 2024, 02:19 last edited by@burgerbutcold Yeah I do that too with my Raruh, but the hair doesn't move and you can't change the color and stuff ;-;
@burgerbutcold Yeah I do that too with my Raruh, but the hair doesn't move and you can't change the color and stuff ;-;
wrote on 23 Nov 2024, 02:21 last edited by@SillyRandomWoman thats just how quest is
@SillyRandomWoman thats just how quest is
wrote on 23 Nov 2024, 02:30 last edited by@burgerbutcold yeah I suppose
wrote on 23 Nov 2024, 19:44 last edited by
Endo and chassis, take this down, Poly
https://cyberdrop.me/f/tQ7jaIBBLCbQU -
Endo and chassis, take this down, Poly
https://cyberdrop.me/f/tQ7jaIBBLCbQU@Mizuryu nice find on the filehosting site
wrote on 25 Nov 2024, 08:10 last edited by
holy shit that midnight specter set is overpriced 70$ for a texture set
wrote on 25 Nov 2024, 09:57 last edited by
Battledoll Raruh: Vanguard of the Endless City
Battledoll Raruh; Vanguard of the Endless City||>LORETime has been forgotten hereThe endless, sprawling cityscape is silent in it’s unobserved spacesWhere I walk, the machines wake with wet clanking, shrill grindingHydraulic fluid leaks from walls and ceilings like decayed bloodThey know I'm here. They always know.I don’t have longIf there’s others like meI need to find themI will find them||>FEATURESThis is an asset pack for avatar Raruh by Torinyan and LimebreakerAVATAR IS NOT INCLUDEDGet her here: https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/Raruh1.0 - Base Rahruh only Two unique colorways: CASUAL and BATTLE Completely retextured in substance Uses Poiyomi 9 New and enhanced emissions / audiolink New / Updated toggles; lighting, emission and additional hue radials Custom smoke particle effect from collar Custom handtrails ||>ABOUTThis is my first asset pack so I expect there will be some rough edges - we will be taking feedback and support requests on our discord server and rolling up identified issues into the first free updateI had a lot of fun working on this and it was an amazing opportunity to learn new tools and skills and identify gaps in my knowledge and inefficiencies in my learning styleI’m looking forward to my next project and will continue to update this pack as there are some goals I did not have time to finish for the initial releaseI hope you enjoy using the pack as much as I did making it ^-^If you’d like to learn more about me, check my links - you can drop me a tip to help fund updates if you enjoy the project and want to help move it forward:https://links.myxx.haus||>SETUP (VCC Required for Support, tested with VRCSDK 3.7.0-b1, not compatible with addons) Create a NEW VRC Avatar unity project (2022) in VCC Use VCC to add VRCfury package, or download and import manually Use VCC to add Poiyomi package, or download and import manually Use VCC to add Audiolink package, or download and import manually Import Battledoll unitypackage, open Battledoll scene Upload! ||>ROADMAPDepending on available time and demand from buyers, I have the following updates planned for the future:1.1 - Fixes based on community feedback (free)1.2 - Cleanup, polish, custom emissions (free)1.3 - Animator re-write, optimisation (medium rank versions), compatibility (free)1.4 - Project PLAS (full-custom “cannon” add-on, small fee)1.5 - VEIN VILLAIN: TBA (add-on, small fee)||>CREDITSMakeup Decals: T0NEHandtrails: だまこやSmoke: RaivoBuild Tools: Vixen by Hai, VRCfury and Modular Avatar||>Special ThanksZheran of Polybunny: thank you for being so kind to share your time and knowledge and for having the patience to help someone understand what was being taught. You’re a good bean, thanks for being there thru this!kepchup: Earliest inspo on editing bots, have used a lot of this dorks work, wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t able to learn from and be inspired to learn more by your work. Thanks for being approachableKindred Koven: if not for my community, I wouldn’t still be here to write this nonsense or make what I make - thank you all so much for the support||>TOS YOU MUST CREDIT TORINYAN AND LIMEBREAKER ON PUBLIC POSTS AND IN STREAM CREDITS, EVEN IF NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES WE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY USE OF THIS UNITYPACKAGE - USE ONLY IN A NEW UNITY PROJECT ( OTHERWISE, IF YOU’RE STUBBORN, MAKE A BACKUP! ) Support is via discord support tickets: https://discord.gg/K28bRXBTTX Please credit Myxx and the asset pack by name on public personal posts if you use any part of this pack, even if heavily modified from the original You MUST credit Myxx and link back to this asset pack if you are using it for commercial purposes ( pls ;--; )
Gumroad (mxtressmyxx.gumroad.com)
anyone hav this or pls add
wrote on 27 Nov 2024, 21:06 last edited by
Bump BattleDoll raruh
wrote on 27 Nov 2024, 22:35 last edited by
Bump for Midnight Specter Set
wrote on 28 Nov 2024, 23:34 last edited by
how much have i missed in the past 4 months T-T. also cant wait to get my pc back in a month so i can download everything that i missed out on
@LocalBozo Will post update when its out just...remind me e w e;
@Vimmy greatly appreciated.
just to confirm, there was no additional download for the endo or mega chassis?@LocalBozo None that I saw no
@LocalBozo None that I saw no
wrote on 4 Dec 2024, 21:35 last edited by
Bumb Chromatix endo update
wrote on 6 Dec 2024, 05:04 last edited by
bump chromatix endo and mega chassis.
@sadtreegirl @Mystery @jvaldez710 @LocalBozo @WhoeverTheFuckElseIsAskingForMega2.0
Here's Mega Chassis 2.0.2
https://workupload.com/file/DEYT2VXgYXLwrote on 6 Dec 2024, 06:38 last edited by@Roselia Do you have another link for the chassie?
wrote on 8 Dec 2024, 02:58 last edited by
Does anybody have Neat Gloomy Threads? pls dm or post here : 3