I can't be the only one..
Does anyone else get like extremely annoyed everytime someone types "Bump" as a reply, like seriously.
I don't even know why it annoys me. -
its just so the thread doesn't die butt i see what you mean. you see it all the time and it feel like a loop.
Does anyone else get like extremely annoyed everytime someone types "Bump" as a reply, like seriously.
I don't even know why it annoys me.@LooseCannon bump
its just so the thread doesn't die butt i see what you mean. you see it all the time and it feel like a loop.
@shadowangelking omg thank you, I am legit blonde and was just kinda too dumb to understand why it was a thing but also ashamed for being stupid, I appreciate you for explaining it, I'm no longer bothered by it. You're Awesome AF!
@shadowangelking omg thank you, I am legit blonde and was just kinda too dumb to understand why it was a thing but also ashamed for being stupid, I appreciate you for explaining it, I'm no longer bothered by it. You're Awesome AF!
@LooseCannon You're not alone hahaha I thought it was annoying too until I discovered why people actually said it
Does anyone else get like extremely annoyed everytime someone types "Bump" as a reply, like seriously.
I don't even know why it annoys me.@LooseCannon Yea i agree its as if the small arrows In the corner are put there for nothing Its not like you can already bump and Up vote A Post by Hitting the ^ arrow
@LooseCannon Yea i agree its as if the small arrows In the corner are put there for nothing Its not like you can already bump and Up vote A Post by Hitting the ^ arrow
@VexinTenoa I just simply didn't understand what the term was meant and used for, I am not of average intellect.
@VexinTenoa I just simply didn't understand what the term was meant and used for, I am not of average intellect.
@LooseCannon Bumping up or just trying up Is people trying to keep said Post at the top so more see it. it works on other plat forms but this one it does not cause it shows its at the top but "People" Have already replyed to it so no one will check it