Please this file<3 tysm
QuQu Wolf - QuQu - BOOTH
💝PhysBone対応prefabあります💝 Unity 2019.4.29f1.動作確認済み アバターU(3.0)専用改変アイテムです。 右手で表情に合わせて耳と尻尾が動きます。 オオカミの耳と尻尾以外は商品に含まれておりません。 ※VRCのアップデート内容によっては正しく動作しなくなるかもしれません。ご了承の上ご購入をお願いいたします。 Unityよくわからない方は 必ず新規プロジェクトを作り必要なアセットを入れて同梱sceneをご利用ください。 ■Support is not available to those who do not understand Japanese. We
A good practice is to include the file name in the title and an image so that people can see immediately
@dealer45 Finally someone is saying something about people who do this... Honestly a huge pet peeve...
@nugs Copy image address link and click the image link button... paste image address and bam, never had any problems with it.
@Goth exactly what i did, didnt work, Hopefully others see my comment about it and understand and dont mind.
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Community on