@Miki42 Any luck :0 ?
wrote on 18 Mar 2024, 05:19 last edited by Miki42@MauseMause I have these 3 errors and idk what to do about them since they are wrong
@MauseMause I have these 3 errors and idk what to do about them since they are wrong
wrote on 18 Mar 2024, 12:39 last edited by@Miki42 AHH that sucks so much .. Have you found any videos maybe?
@Miki42 AHH that sucks so much .. Have you found any videos maybe?
wrote on 18 Mar 2024, 13:27 last edited by@MauseMause I fixed it and almost ready to make it work in VRC, what toggles did you want?
@MauseMause I fixed it and almost ready to make it work in VRC, what toggles did you want?
wrote on 18 Mar 2024, 14:52 last edited by@Miki42 The ability to toggle the clothes on and off, preferably separate the upper and bottom clothes !
Skirt on and off toggle just to be zesty lawl
And the ability to switch between the normal mouth and the big smile mouth (IF POSSIBLE, if it's too complicated then dw about it!!)
Also, if you can, could you add physbones too? If you're not feeling like doing these then I can add em myself in the end if needed :3
@Miki42 The ability to toggle the clothes on and off, preferably separate the upper and bottom clothes !
Skirt on and off toggle just to be zesty lawl
And the ability to switch between the normal mouth and the big smile mouth (IF POSSIBLE, if it's too complicated then dw about it!!)
Also, if you can, could you add physbones too? If you're not feeling like doing these then I can add em myself in the end if needed :3
wrote on 18 Mar 2024, 14:54 last edited by@MauseMause Here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DMEMEmHKi1KUzIWdSVLWHuX8E601k5ta/view?usp=sharing
Added the toggles for all clothes but not the switch for the mouth and PhysBones, I just saw your comment after uploading it already xD -
@MauseMause Here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DMEMEmHKi1KUzIWdSVLWHuX8E601k5ta/view?usp=sharing
Added the toggles for all clothes but not the switch for the mouth and PhysBones, I just saw your comment after uploading it already xDwrote on 18 Mar 2024, 17:06 last edited by@Miki42 That's okay! THANK YOU STILL
@Miki42 That's okay! THANK YOU STILL
wrote on 18 Mar 2024, 17:48 last edited by@MauseMause No problem, tell me if something doesn't work
@Miki42 That's okay! THANK YOU STILL
wrote on 19 Mar 2024, 04:07 last edited by@MauseMause btw make sure you have VRCFury and liltoon in your project!
@MauseMause btw make sure you have VRCFury and liltoon in your project!
wrote on 19 Mar 2024, 13:01 last edited by@Miki42 IT works perfectly thank you so much!!
@Miki42 IT works perfectly thank you so much!!
wrote on 19 Mar 2024, 13:23 last edited by@MauseMause No problem, glad I could help