LF: Merimi by Strawbunny
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Avatars on
Just posting this as like a roughly put together a long crappy PSA for those unaware merely just to be helpful. Always remember safety first when buying from strangers on the internet!
(TLDR: Do not bother using or purchasing this product. Badly coded script that is non-consensually enforced on end-users, which you cannot opt-out of, and breaks everything. Why?? Gonso Licenced: You only have to remember; it's like, metaphorically speaking, Denuvo had a brainless, estranged cousin that your family doesn't like talking about. Everyone hates Gonso, they are a drug-addicted sociopath who will rob you in broad daylight and destroy your stuff just for not giving them enough money constantly each time you fall for their crocodile tears. Please avoid Gonso as they have no genuine intentions of fixing themselves for the better)
I would rather people be well-informed than in the dark, because no one bothered to mention it to newbies. I'll just copy and paste this to a few posts that have this defunct feature. Awareness is important during this global recession, which is debatably worse than the great depression at the time of writing this. Buying models and assets from some creators isn't cheap and is somewhat debated to not be worth the asking price for a free social VR platform.
As a side note, if you're new to virtual social platforms and don't know which creators are trustworthy, From what I hear, there is consensus wise on separate forums. Don't bother buying from Strawbunny, Noelia, Whituu, Aurl, etc. and giving them your hard-earned money. Do not buy from anyone who is close to Gonsodanny who is the person responsible for making the gonso licensing script. Including anyone trying to force the Gonso Licence more than once onto customers. They are more than likely benefiting from a maliciously lucrative operation behind closed doors with each other. They're too incompetent to run a business correctly and take their audience for granted too much.
Just because a big business like Adobe scammed millions of clients with over expensive subscriptions, spyware and maliciously confusing terms of service. It does not mean that it's appropriate to overinflate prices, charging $45–60 USD for a faulty product they kit bashed using other people's assets but act as if they made it all from scratch themselves. Sorry for the bad news. There are plenty of other products that are worth your time and money. Please be very careful who and where you buy stuff from.
This model has a "Gonso licence" listed if you check the specifications and credits. This product will likely be broken no matter what you do, and it is badly coded. You'll manually have to redo the entire FX, menus, and expressions from the ground up since the Gonso script breaks everything. The model will not function as intended even if you follow the instructions provided, and you may have to re-upload multiple times just for it to work properly (e.g. gesture expressions will not activate regardless of input, menus not working or the product will load in the game as invisible).
It will break as it has no future proofing, so I wouldn't recommend buying any gonso-infected models and just consider it as intentionally laced malware to keep yourself safe. It's not worth the trouble, seeing as these creators will not care to fix the things they caused and will try to gaslight you into thinking it's your fault. They are intentionally selling a faulty product to you to mock your intelligence as the end-user. No different how Adobe and Ubisoft treats their customers. They are lying to you when they claim you can edit and update it, no problem
Some creators who attempted to use said system for their products regret using it. This script only made things worse for themselves and their customers. This is installed via a paid commission done by Gonsodanny, and it is obvious based on feedback that Gonsodanny does not provide any technical support or troubleshooting afterwards to creators/end users. If a person refuses to clarify what something does and punishes you for asking a well-mannered simple question and hides crucial information. They are not innocently protecting their business... they're intentionally trying to scam you and do not care whatever happens to what you legally paid for just for doing the right thing.
Which is why the system ends up being dropped by some avatar creator's next project because it causes products to essentially turn into lost media as it strongly implies Gonsodanny does not provide them even just a basic manual for the script they commissioned them for. The tacttics are prety similar to how Denuvo treats game devs via fearmongering they'll go into debt without their anti-piracy script. Gonsodanny only provides help to their friends they like (hint - not hard to guess based on full star reviews and lack of valid constructive feedback). More than just a few witnesses have already confirmed their social circle is full of nepotism, lack of emotional/mental maturity and will give you second hand embarrassment by cosplaying as the impoverished in the public eye of their misinformed viewers. Despite these gaggles of geese being caught red-handed bragging about how much big money they earn to anyone they perceive as a rival or enemy.
For example, Strawbunny and Whituu are best buddies with not just each other, so naturally, all their models will be updated or released with the gonso script. The reason you may or may not have heard about it is due to some of these gonso-supporting creators having inappropriate para-social relationships with their audience, telling how much they 'love everyone' and only trusting whatever they say. That anyone that mentions them outside their sterilised echo chambers are just jealous, nasty people and big bad criminals. They do not love you; they only care if you're an advantage strictly to them, and infinite money to burn. They do not want peasants and the disadvantaged souls in their community buying their stuff. It's pretty obvious once you've stuck around long enough how many people get punished for not magically having whatever they want on command, like miss Veruca Salt from 1971 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate factory.
In summary, you cannot make edits to the model, and the script hard-wires itself to a specific Unity version and/or other items, so it will brick itself when the SDK requirements for uploading models change in the future. If you do naively fall for it by accident. That is not your fault, you were taken advantage of for giving a complete stranger the benefit of the doubt. Instead of a metaphorical expensive paper weight IRL, you will instead have a redundant file you can never salvage hogging space on your storage.
Thank you for coming to my mini TED Talk and hope you may of found this information useful. Good luck