Looking for Ninja-max protochi
Protochi Bundle V2 (PC/Quest)
Default Protochi Bundle, made back a quite a while ago! these models is compatable with 3.0 but mainly used as a 2.0, 3.0 wasn't out by the time thess models was done but it will still work :3Files:Model Male, Male Armoured and Female Protochi (Plus Prefab)GO Loco 1.8.3Tail Toggle SystemArmour Toggle (only for Male Armoured)Clothing Toggle (only for Female Protochi)Phsybones addedCustom FX Layer (can be changed if needed)Added Quest VersionsLatest Poyiomi Toon Shaders: Use the Poyiomi Shader on VCC or the ProRules of Files:1. For commissions, the person who is commissioning you to do this model must have brought the model2. No resale of the avatar, unless I give permission3. 10% of payment from commissions is advised, please use my email address for paypal payment (ninjamax2015@gmail.com)4. I must be credited on the model it's self, a small plane with my name inside will do or on the portrait of the avatar on VRC5. No sharing files with anyone unless you ask me first6. You can edit it as much as you want, but please keep me credited :3For my discord, you can always message me at Ninja-Max#9643Thank you for Purchasing :3
Gumroad (ninjamax.gumroad.com)
i think that can be found on vrmodels
oh yes here:
i think that can be found on vrmodels
@TheLoneyBunny The one on vrmodels is the Timmyanime21 version not the Ninja-max version
from the pic's it looks same
The hands are different between them
okay i think i found but it is two years old i look for am update!
okay i think i found but it is two years old i look for am update!
@TheLoneyBunny okay i found the update i send it to you:
Are you able to find the female version?
@TheLoneyBunny okay i found the update i send it to you:
@TheLoneyBunny looking for the female version not the male version
@TheLoneyBunny Female version has a shirt, pants and socks and the male version doesnt have any of those
Female version