Poiyomi Shaders DUMP (35 GB) ✔
I'm giving away some poiyomi shaders as a gift to this community. Instead of uploading them to an external site, I've made the folders available directly from my cloud. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
Poiyomi Shaders:
- #downloads: https://cloud.louisa.uno/s/KZidtxzgt8wkR4k
- #downloads-patreon: https://cloud.louisa.uno/s/cpPkTEp5PDcsQwN
- #downloads-patreon-experimental: https://cloud.louisa.uno/s/krKWfMjsGoDF4bN
Credit me please, if you share it!
Whats the newest version in the dump?
v9.2.13: https://cloud.louisa.uno/s/AW9G85WHwREZwfQ
How to find a specific version?
Please read before asking for it in this topic: https://forum.ripper.store/post/274872
To auto upgrade from 8.1/8.2 after swapping shaders click here
This post is deleted!
Do you happen to have the newest Poi pro? Alpha 10? @louisa.uno
Do you happen to have the newest Poi pro? Alpha 10? @louisa.uno
Do you happen to have the newest Poi pro? Alpha 10? @louisa.uno
@Zealous https://pixeldrain.com/u/rcYeny1Q here's 9.0.13 o7
@Zealous https://pixeldrain.com/u/rcYeny1Q here's 9.0.13 o7
@boothbabelover Thank you!!
@Zealous https://pixeldrain.com/u/rcYeny1Q here's 9.0.13 o7
@boothbabelover Are you okay with me adding it to the dump?
sheesh thats a lot offffffff poiyomi
edit; i checked the experimental folder but its just schlong shader
C CodeAngel pinned this topic on
Added v9.0.27 & v9.0.25 to the dump. Couldn't get my hands on v9.0.24 & v9.0.26 yet as well as v9.0.28 and newer ones yet. If anyone has those versions, I'd appreciate it if they could send them over.
Added v9.0.40 to the dump. Couldn't get my hands on v9.0.40+ yet as well as some other ones yet. If anyone has those versions, I'd appreciate it if they could send them over.
Added v9.0.42 to the dump. Couldn't get my hands on v9.0.42+ yet as well as some other ones yet. If anyone has those versions, I'd appreciate it if they could send them over.
bump for the newer version out today
9.0.43 and 9.0.45 -
@Finn Bump for 9.0.45
Added v9.0.45 to the dump. Couldn't get my hands on v9.0.46+ yet as well as some other ones yet. If anyone has those versions, I'd appreciate it if they could send them over.
@BLACK0NYX Thanks<3
I'm sorry for the outtime of the link today which lasted a while and the longer outtime a few days ago. The one today was due to moving my server into another subnet and the other one due to me forgetting to start the nextcloud service back up after having to shut it down for troubleshooting on another service.
D devonda745 referenced this topic on
D devonda745 referenced this topic on
Added v9.0.46 to the dump. Couldn't get my hands on v9.0.47+ yet as well as some other ones yet. If anyone has those versions, I'd appreciate it if they could send them over.
Thanks for providing v9.0.46 @black0nyx
S ShinraEnthusiast referenced this topic on