LF: CYANT by Torinyan (and additional assets)
At the very least if anyone wants to share it, wait 2 weeks so it won't affect Torinyan's sales. Or share it with the OP and have them only share it on this forum after 2 weeks have passed. Torinyan is one of the few model makers that actually communicates with us here and I'd like it if we could support them by being a little patient.
@C0-Eve I would have made the post and asked everyone to wait 2 weeks before sharing myself, but someone else already beat me to it.
wrote on 6 Dec 2023, 21:42 last edited by@ShutDog1212 honestly, i am willing to wait those two weeks before reposting the file if that does end up being the route someone goes down. i love tori's work, but i can't afford the base today, next week, or even next month simply because i don't have anything to spare, and then there's that whole rabbit hole we'll probably have to go down with the massive surge of assets we'll get struck with that cost as much as a new-gen game. won't be able to afford any of that myself for a while, but as soon as i actually can, i probably will also buy what i'm able to from tori.
wrote on 6 Dec 2023, 22:59 last edited by
Morals in an avi sharing thread based off a RIPPING SITE is hilarious to me. If you're on here you have no right to preach about anything.
Morals in an avi sharing thread based off a RIPPING SITE is hilarious to me. If you're on here you have no right to preach about anything.
@BlakeBell it's more of being respectful to the owner since they did give permission to do so after two weeks without the the threat of DMCA. the could just hit the thread with a DMCA or fine people posting shared products, but they are not. This thread in particular respects the 2 week rule, but that is your choice to follow.
@BlakeBell it's more of being respectful to the owner since they did give permission to do so after two weeks without the the threat of DMCA. the could just hit the thread with a DMCA or fine people posting shared products, but they are not. This thread in particular respects the 2 week rule, but that is your choice to follow.
wrote on 6 Dec 2023, 23:58 last edited by@cloakanddagger "this thread" Get your mightier than thou attitude out of here. You saying something doesn't mean anyone agrees with you. You're just trying to reverse psychology piss someone off to get your hands on it.
@cloakanddagger "this thread" Get your mightier than thou attitude out of here. You saying something doesn't mean anyone agrees with you. You're just trying to reverse psychology piss someone off to get your hands on it.
@BlakeBell Why? Either way, we still have to wait and see. We just asked to wait two weeks cause the owner of that model is asking. Just relax and enjoy the waiting game like the rest of us.
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 02:12 last edited byThis post is deleted!
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 02:18 last edited by
Omg I'm not here for drama lol just a bump
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 02:26 last edited by
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 03:19 last edited by
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 03:32 last edited by
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 03:37 last edited by
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 03:59 last edited by
bump the gods for this awesome avi
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 05:02 last edited by
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 05:03 last edited by
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 06:05 last edited by
BUMP, waiting two weeks is chill, at least we will have it eventually
wrote on 7 Dec 2023, 06:39 last edited by
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