LF Bubbles, Raita, and Reena
wrote on 26 Oct 2023, 12:55 last edited by
Bubbles the Bunny
Bubbles the creepy cute Bunny - PC & Quest VRChat Furry Avatar - *PERSONAL LICENSE ONLY*
This creepy cute Bunny is just what you've been looking for. So cute you'll let them sink their teeth into you. FIND IT CHEAPER @ amygination3d.com This bouncy bunny comes with 6 versions!!!! 3 Optimized, 1 Unoptimized & 2 QUEST avatars. This adorable little bunny comes with the following: 5 Outfits to mix and match with toggles - Sweater, turtleneck, t-shirt, overalls, shorts, onesie, pj's, underwear, socks, slippers. (Medium version has everything but the onesie. Only 1 Outfit for PC Good and QUEST) 2 Hair styles - Short or Pigtails with color & emission toggles. (Only 1 style for QUEST) Fur & Body toggles - Flat chest, whiskers, fangs, arms fur, hip fur, neck fur, claws. (some toggles are PC only) Material swaps with hue sliders on all of the clothes. (PC only) Eye colorslider. (PC only) 2 fur pattern choices with glitter, emissions and hue options (PC Only) - Bunny with creepy eyes or Bunny with hearts Physbones in neck fluff, whiskers, nose, boobs, ears, tail & hair. Avatar contact dynamics with an adorable and satisfying head pat animation. Bubbles will cry when you pull their ears. Tail wag & Nose twitch. GoGo Loco - pretend to be in full body with laying, sitting and pose animations. PLEASE NOTE: Good rated PC (GREEN) and QUEST versions have reduced & limited toggles.The QUEST version of Bubbles will work/sync with both of the Bubbles PC versions. How to upload:Install using the VRChat Creator Companion. The VCC can be found https://vrchat.com/download/vcc & Unity 2022.3.22f1You will also need the Poiyomi Toon Shader 9.0+ otherwise some of the toggles will not work as intended - Poi Toon can be downloaded for free from their discord https://discord.gg/poiyomi in the #free-shader channel1. Create a new avatar project with VCC2. Import Poiyomi's Toon Shader 9.0+ You can download for free from (https://discord.gg/poiyomiorhttps://poiyomi.com/)3. Import the Bubbles unity package4. Open the scene called "Click me" located in Assets Folder5. Click on VRC SDK in the toolbar at the top of the Unity screen6. Sign into your VRChat account7. Click Build, fill in the information & publish in the Builder Upload as 'Private' to your account only.Terms of Use This avatar is for Personal Use ONLY. You may not modify, share, distribute, or resell this avatar, any parts of this avatar or its assets to any third party. Do not give this avatar to someone else to upload for you, please talk to me first as I can arrange an upload for you. If you would like to commission someone to work on this avatar, both parties must purchase the avatar. Neither of you may resell any part of this avatar edited or not. DO NOT delete ANY of the credit meshes/textures, doing so will violate these terms. Private uploads only, do not make this avatar or edits of this avatar public. You may use this avatar for streaming, youtube or tiktok, as long as the content is not illegal, discriminatory, political, religious or sexual. You must clearly credit back to this page. You may make personal only edits of this avatar, taking assets from this avatar for another is prohibited. You must purchase the asset from it's original creator (links below) if you intend to use any of these assets for another avatar. Do not share, trade, price split, steal or sell this avatar or parts of this avatar edited or not. Do not take assets from this avatar. If you see something you like please purchase the item from it's original creator. The credits are just below. CREDITSPlease note that all assets have been edited by me and are not always a true representation of their original states. Deira Base - mariVR - https://marivr.gumroad.com Piercings & Texture edits - amygination - https://amygination.gumroad.com Ears - ElizaByteVR - https://www.elizacg.com Hair - Zoitetski - https://zioketski.gumroad.com Hair - Saikura - https://saikura.gumroad.com Tail, neck fluff, pigtails - Oshen - https://oshenvr.gumroad.com Overall Set & Slippers - Parsley77 - https://parsley77.gumroad.com Onesie & T-shirt - rinebean - https://rinebean.gumroad.com Shorts - Peachanas - https://peachanas.gumroad.com Sweater - xSnail - https://snailproof.gumroad.com Hair Textures - Wet Cathttps://wetcat.gumroad.com&Ciciea - https://cicieaaavr.gumroad.com Socks - Kanna - https://kannabee.gumroad.com - discord: suika kanna Pj's - Meowmi - https://meowmi.gumroad.com - discord: meowmi.co Menu Icons - Maddiiee - https://maddiiee.gumroad.com - discord: maddiiee Gogo Loco - Franada - https://franadavrc.gumroad.com Shader & Textures - Poiyomi Toon Shader - https://discord.gg/poiyomi - https://poiyomi.com Gestures - ComboGestureExpressions V2 - https://hai-vr.booth.pm Unity Work - Fuujin - https://fuuujin.gumroad.com Holiday Set - amygination - https://amygination.gumroad.com made from scratch Thank you for checking out my third avatar release. I'm always learning and improving my skill set to give you another cute avatar to the best of my current ability. I really hope you like this one too.If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please contact me with a brief message via discord: amygination or join my discord serverNo refunds on digital products. All sales are final.CHANGE LOG: DEC 6 2024 - Fixed the shorts clipping on the holiday edit DEC 1 2024 - Updated Bonus Winter/NYE/Valentine Version NOV 17 2024 - 1.8 - Fixed the broken hair physbones OCT 24 2024 - Updated Unity package to Poiyomi 9.0.61+ OCT 10 2024 - Added Halloween edit MAY 12 2024 - 1.7.3 - Updated Unity package to work with version 2022.3.22f1 - Updated materials to work with Poi 9.0. MAR 12 2024 - 1.7.2 - Fixed some materials to no longer appear yellowish. MAR 10 2024 - 1.7 - Added an extra QUEST version (shorts edition). Separated the eye tracking and main packages. FEB 6 2024 - Included Valentine's Day edit to the bonus Holiday version. PC & Quest JAN 9 2024 - Updated packages to work with Unity version 2022.3.61f - Fixed bug with QUEST textures. Added QUEST version to Holiday edit. Added eye tracking options for all versions to package. 29 Nov 2023 - Added a Holiday version (PC Only) 19 Nov 2023 - Updated head pat animation to close eyes when head pat. Corrected a blendshape that was effecting the index finger. 24 Oct - Included Photoshop and Clip Studio files 20 Oct 2023 - 1.1 Changed around some animations for gestures. Added emission to eye highlights. Added another Green optimized version in a different outfit. Now able to pull both ears at the same time. 19 OCT 23 - 1.0 Initial releaseTags: Deira, Furry, Cute, Onesie, Bunny, Bubbles, amygination, vrchat, avatar, adorable, headpat, comfy
Gumroad (amygination.gumroad.com)
Raita (Female/Femboy)
☆ Cute and mischievous ball of fluff with lots of customization ☆Also available on my payhip for lower price: https://payhip.com/sohviPlease check the toggle video to see how the avatar moves and looks!No refunds, all the features are listed below. Please read the whole description and check the pictures etc and rules before buying.You must use the gift option and write down other person info if you are buying for other person!! DO NOT upload as public!VRChat furry avatar, SDK 3.0, Unity 2019, 7 custom expressions with ear movements, write defaults off. Physbones, Twist bones, jiggles where expected + moving clothing details etc. Lots of scratch assets, Gogo Beyond Locomotion, VR Labs Marker for both handsTested in fbt, halfbody and desktop. PC Only, SFW (All clothes can be toggled, but no details anywhere)FEATURESSFW, All items can be toggled,t no details anywhere☆ Outfit toggles:Hoodie, Top, Top off, Nekopan (Cat shorts), Mini Shorts, Bottom off, Leg Warmers, Arm Warmers, Bell Choker, Hair Clip☆ Hair and body toggles:Pigtails Hair, Short Hair, Nails, Whiskers, Chest shape radial, Bulge toggle☆ Species TogglesLeopard, Lion and Cat ears, Leopard, Lion and Cat tailToggles for all body floof bits (can't be toggled on if there is clothing on it) ☆Avatar interactions:Head pat with facial expression, purring sound, particles and ears + tail movingNose boop with facial expression and particlesChoker bell can be touched and it makes sound!Toggles to turn off particles, sounds and all interactions☆Color and texture changes:Stripes, Spots and no markings togglesMarkings color white/black toggleMarkings emission radial Metal silver/gold toggleEye color hue and saturation radialHair color hue and saturation radialSkin shade hue and saturation radialHoodie hue and saturation radialTop hue and saturation radialNekopan hue and saturation radialAccessory hue and saturation radial☆Extra:Facial expression lock for non-index users. You can lock your facial expression to idle or any other expression and still use your hand gestures!Toggle to turn off expression when making a fist (if you are using other than index controller and like to use fist as idle)VRLabs Marker -> Edited to work with both hands! Stick to your drawings to your body, change colors and brush size and more.Gogo Beyond locomotion with lots of different poses for half-body and desktop, floating and flying.Avatar maximum brightness to adjust your avatar's brightness especially in bright worldsAvatar minimum brightness to adjust your avatar's brightness especially in dark worlds-> All the stats available on the last image!-> Bounding boxes adjusted so objects won't disappear from view-> Anchor overrides set up so lighting is consistent-> Overall lighting is adjusted so avatar isn't too dark or bright in different worlds (also sliders for in-game adjustment)-> The base has by default SRanipal Shape Keys, ARKit Shape Keys and MMD Shape Keys, but there is no premade setups for them (facial expressions use some of the shape keys included in these)-> This avatar doesn't come with SPP files. If you wish to do texturing in SP please use the fbx file. This avatar is NOT Quest compatible!Please note that this model needs other assets to work. You need purchase paid assets by yourself. I can’t help you if you decide to use different assets than stated below and have some problems.-Unity 2019.4.31f1 or 2022.3.6f1-VRC Creator Companion (free)-Poiyomi Toon 8.1.166 (included in the downloads, free)-> You must have basic unity knowledge to upload this avatar. Avatar comes with uploading instructions. Please read them. For more help please join to my server link at end of the page.RULES/TOS:-> You are not allowed to take any assets, textures or other parts from this avatar without purchasing them from the original seller!-> You are not allowed to use my edits in anyway even if you own a license for the original asset.-> You must write down your full discord name and tag and your vrchat name. Otherwise your license for this model won't be valid. Without a valid license you are not allowed to use this model in any way and you access to the files can be revoked.-> You must credit me with sohvi.art and link to this product if you use the avatar for streaming, youtube videos or producing other similar content. You cannot make any merchandise out of the model design.-> You are only buying a personal license to use this model and you can't claim model as your own in any way.-> You are not allowed to share this model in any shape or form. Public uploads are strictly forbidden even if you edit the avatar. You also can’t upload avatar to anyone else unless both of you own your own licenses.-> If you want to buy avatar to someone else use the gift option and write down their email and details, not yours.-> If VRChat updates break the avatar I'm not responsible to fix it. However I do provide updates and fixes to my avatars when I can.-> The product is non-refundable!By buying this avatar you agree to accept the rules.Credits: (click the underlined name/text for a link)Note: All of these assets are edited by me, some very heavily, please do not use my edits.Base, head, all ears and tails: ElizaByteVR/elizaPigtails hair: krinutsHair texture: nikkieHoodie: suikakannaNekopan: suikakannaMinishorts: apyrvrPurring sound: Sidearm StudiosBell sound: freeSFX.co.ukWorld constrain and marker: Vrlabs Gogo locomotion: franadaProne pose: bellerina (nitro)Shader: poiyomiArm warmers, Hair clips, Leg warmers, Bell choker, Stripes skin decal, Spots skin decal, Top, Eye texture, Short hair, Particles, Menu icons by me (sohvi.art/ Sohvi#9443) in Blender, Substance Painter and Clip studio paint. All images used are clip studio brushes or hand painted. You can't take anything of this model and reuse it. You have to buy assets from their original creators if and when available (this includes assets made by me). You are not allowed to use any of my edits in any way even if you have license for the original asset.Please note that I don't give links to get to products bought from Payhip to gumroad library or other way around. Files will be only available to you on the platform you bought them from. Please mind this while you decide where to purchase.I would appreciate if you contacted me on discord with any issues you might have and I'll do my best to fix them! Also please rate if you like the avatar, it really helps me!Join on my Discord server! Discount codes for all avatar releases, sales, giveaways and help with avatars!Join Discord
Gumroad (sohvi.gumroad.com)
Reena the Fox
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wrote on 26 Oct 2023, 13:08 last edited by
got 1-2 if you wanna trade
Looking for the 3 one aswell
got 1-2 if you wanna trade
Looking for the 3 one aswell
wrote on 28 Oct 2023, 05:18 last edited by@godamongdogs I don't have anything to trade ;-;
wrote on 28 Oct 2023, 07:00 last edited by
wrote on 29 Oct 2023, 12:29 last edited by
wrote on 30 Oct 2023, 19:13 last edited by
wrote on 1 Nov 2023, 03:50 last edited by
Bump :3
wrote on 10 Nov 2023, 16:42 last edited by
Bump for Raita
wrote on 24 Nov 2023, 00:20 last edited by
Bump for bubbles
wrote on 26 Nov 2023, 18:27 last edited by
Bump for bubbles
wrote on 2 Dec 2023, 01:33 last edited by
Bumping for bubbles!
+1 all o-o
wrote on 10 Dec 2023, 19:59 last edited by
wrote on 11 Jan 2024, 14:46 last edited by
does anyone have bubbles the bunny?
got 1-2 if you wanna trade
Looking for the 3 one aswell
wrote on 12 Jan 2024, 08:20 last edited by@Didn-tDoIt L trading, but i guess. What do you want?
@Didn-tDoIt L trading, but i guess. What do you want?
wrote on 12 Jan 2024, 13:23 last edited by@GoobusGunkus I'm not to picky