LF Nuvola
Nuvola - VRChat Avatar - (Deira mod) (PC & Quest)
A little bit cheaper in Jinxxy! ♥♡ Rating would help me a lot ♡Important!: Basic Unity knowledge required!Instructions! ♡ Create a new Unity 2022 project using VRChat Creator Companion (You can download it in VRChat official webpage -> Download) Import Audio Link! (Comes with VCC) Import Poiyomi Toon! Add VRCFury! (1.1085.0) to the Companion and import it to the project! Import GogoLocomotion! v1.8.3 Import the Avi!, drag the scene! And that's all, you will see the PC and Quest version ready to be uploaded to ur account! ♡ DPS/SPS Stuff! ♡ (VRCFury's required for it to function correctly) Tinky Winky 👀 Orifices & Contacts Stats! ♡ Tris: 98.903 Material count: 24 Files included! ♡ Unity Package! Substance Painter File! Blend File! ¡¡Terms & Conditions!! This product CAN be used for personal purposes or commissions if both partys have purchased it! This product CAN NOT be share with people that haven't bought the product!. This avatar CAN NOT be uploaded as public in any social VR platform. This product CAN NOT be resold or shared to anyone that didn't buy it before! By buying this, you agreed that you are over 18+ years old!. I won't be responsible for any act made with this product in or out of the game!. DO NOT delete the credit meshes/texture, doing it will violate these terms. Credits!♡ Body: Mari: https://marivr.gumroad.com (Modified by me ♥) Hair: ElizaByteVR: https://elizabytevr.gumroad.com (Modified by me ♥) Vir Killer: https://rinebean.gumroad.com Malibu Short: https://gashina.gumroad.com Glasses: https://vinuzhka.gumroad.com Choker: https://vinuzhka.gumroad.com (Modified by me ♥) Tinky Winky 👀: https://meowiie.gumroad.com/ Pants, Bodysuit, Visor: https://pettystore.gumroad.com (Modified by me ♥) And others clothes modeled by me!, i'm sorry if i'm forgetting something! ;w; ♡If looking for support, you can contact me throught Twitter (Sry if i take too long to reply, i'm always busy ;w;)¡Troubleshooting! Error: "VRCFury encountered an error. Failed to build VRCFury component: MmdCompatibilityBuilder .Apply on Fix: Right click any of the avis you wanna upload, click "unpack prefab" and try to upload it again! ♡ Ty so much to xXRedLustXx for the Star texture! ♡Changelog ♡ v1.1 Fixed old VRCFury versions having issues to upload the avi. Some issues with materials becoming super reflective when unlocked. v1.2 New Texture! Presets! So now u don't have to change every clothe manually! New Clothing! Some fixes!
Gumroad (whyzart.gumroad.com)
so it is
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Avatars on
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Avatars on