LF Usasaki outfits
Sixth one (This one is a fullset, containing other avatar's maid outfits too!)
@mintsheep you are my hero
Sixth one (This one is a fullset, containing other avatar's maid outfits too!)
@mintsheep do u happen to have this hair for Usasaki by any chance ??
Usasaki_bosabosaHair - Ziggurat(ジグラート) - BOOTH
VRCHATでの使用を想定した3Dモデルの髪形です。 うささき(https://mukumi.booth.pm/items/3550881)専用髪形です。 ・シェイプキーで前髪の長さを多少変更できます。 ・うささきのHeadボーン内に髪形を入れてください。 ・おでこを出すシェイプキーはありません。VRCで固定するか、もしくはUnity上でボーンを曲げてPB設定をOFFにしてください。 Usasaki_bosabosaHair_cp△3483 ●内容物 ◇usasaki_Hair_TEX.clip ◇Usasaki_bosabosaHair.unitypackage
@mintsheep do u happen to have this hair for Usasaki by any chance ??
Usasaki_bosabosaHair - Ziggurat(ジグラート) - BOOTH
VRCHATでの使用を想定した3Dモデルの髪形です。 うささき(https://mukumi.booth.pm/items/3550881)専用髪形です。 ・シェイプキーで前髪の長さを多少変更できます。 ・うささきのHeadボーン内に髪形を入れてください。 ・おでこを出すシェイプキーはありません。VRCで固定するか、もしくはUnity上でボーンを曲げてPB設定をOFFにしてください。 Usasaki_bosabosaHair_cp△3483 ●内容物 ◇usasaki_Hair_TEX.clip ◇Usasaki_bosabosaHair.unitypackage
@mintsheep do you have the orginal Usasaki model?
@mintsheep do you have the orginal Usasaki model?
@Floralias thanks so much but i thought the hoddie one one is the original mb but do you know how to get ithttps://booth.pm/en/items/3569580 thanks and sorry again.
@Floralias thanks so much but i thought the hoddie one one is the original mb but do you know how to get ithttps://booth.pm/en/items/3569580 thanks and sorry again.
@Genix Oh I see! but no sorry I don't have that hoodie sadly and I don't believe its been found yet to my knowledge? ^ ^ probably best to keep bumping this thread or do another comb through usasaki outfits on the searchbar.
@Floralias ok thank you