Important Announcement: RipperStore Closure and Forum Continuation
@KeiKei_KW That's still 40+ avis. Also I don't need no model
@KeiKei_KW I'll tell you if anything comes to mind
I don't have much knowledge on file websites that tend to mainly focus on archiving/sharing VR related avatars and assets. I only joined this forum this year, so I'm relieved the forums will stay intact. Furthermore, I found the forums easier to use than that main ripper store site
I would like to ask though if it might be possible. Would it be beneficial to make an updated official master list of websites we could contribute to as a community. Somewhere we could migrate to or use in case we have to go to a new platform in the future? I'm a bit scatterbrained, so I can't remember if we're not allowed to openly give info and/or links to similar websites in case someone advertises a malicious website that's not worth the risk to download stuff
It would be nice if there was a backup plan just in case because I have no clue where else to go
Bumping this for those who still havent seen the news
@CodeAngel Honestly I have no idea, my boyfriend who also uses this site just told me that it was because someone was ripping Disney models which didn't really make sense to me at all to me so now i just say it as a joke more than anything. I don't know the actual reason.
Probably a joke on how nintendo and disney shut down anything and everything that go against their copyright.
Great! As if Disney didn't piss me off already...
I'm gonna miss that site a lot (┬┬﹏┬┬)