Radial Menu Question
I wanted to ask if anyone knows of any thing like a plugin/script or what not and or a method on how to change clothing and hair using a radial menu. I've seen a couple of avatars that implement this and I tried to replicate it but to no avail so I wanted ask here. Thank you to anyone who replies/shares any advice
It's very simple. You have to put everything in an animation. and turn everything ON/OFF (all your outfits) in the right line. E.g. at 0:00 your main outfit comes, at 0:10 the second outfit, at 0:20 the third. at 0:00 you have to put everything on OFF, and the main outfit ON, at 0:20 comes everything OFF but second outfit have to be ON. in your avatar FX Parameters, have it to be a 'Float' and in the Layers you create a Blend Tree, Toggle 'Motion Time' ON, and add the new Float. dopple click on the Blend Tree inside the Layer. click on your Blend Tree, there is Parameter, add there also your Float, and add a new Motion Field, put inside this your animation (on your Animation do 'Loop Time' Off). now add this new Float in your Avatar Parameters Menu, and add this in a Radial Puppet Toggel
I also can show you it if you want over Discord
@Rynaa yea i tried this too but i came across a avatar that has the outfits on their own animation then in the blend tree they put one outfit animation then leave a blank animation then another outfit then a blank then another outfit animation and so on and i was wondering how they got that to work cuz i tried the same method but if anything i'll probs just add all the outfits to one animation like you said.
a friend of mine sent me how the blendtree for the clothing look
The avatar is the Thyenid btw
Was just curious on how this work because when i tried to replicate it didn't work and i copied it the same way it was set up
@Lo0nGravy Something I just realized is that all the animations are set up so that there's an infinite loop time. By default, its turned off. If you never turned that on, try turning it on and testing it.
Also, I dont remember what model you were doing it on, but it wont work with mixed WD AFAIK.
(only posting it here just incase someone else has trouble setting it up too)