Found by Lo0nGravy ✓ : [Original 3D model "Shira" & "Haine"]
Not sure if this has both in one or just one cuz the file is just named Sia but here you go
DL -> Here@Lo0nGravy Its both! Thank you lots
@Lo0nGravy Its both! Thank you lots
Not sure if this has both in one or just one cuz the file is just named Sia but here you go
DL -> Here@Lo0nGravy It's both, thank you sooooo much!
@Lo0nGravy It's both, thank you sooooo much!
Genuinely thank you
Not sure if this has both in one or just one cuz the file is just named Sia but here you go
DL -> Here@Lo0nGravy thank you very much. Do you have the extra clothing by chance?
@Lo0nGravy thank you very much. Do you have the extra clothing by chance?
@ikirutoast i don't but if i come across them i can link here. Although i thought they come with that since it's shown on the avatar booth page for the avis