Gonzo removal??
guide here; i'm sure there are users on ripperstore you may ask to perform this task for you if you're not inclined to do it yourself
@PuppyPaws not many that are well known besides @halcyon, myself and maybe @totallyoriginal1 if they're still active, but for Hal and I, we're trying to move away from doing these things - the gumroad/payhip market is toxic and predatory and we really no longer have an interest in humoring these creators
I might release a tool to automate the process a bit, but as of right now it's either get familiar with someone who has proven they can perform a decrypt from this forum or just do it yourself
preferably stop giving these creators your money and a platform to exploit you for pixels
Just been lurking the forums
@totallyoriginal1 I should be getting a new licensed avatar soon- would you be available to decrypt it? ^^
@totallyoriginal1 understood! I don’t have them yet, but I’ll def lyk when I do ^^