LF: Atlas by RobVR
wrote on 11 May 2024, 23:04 last edited by
Atlas (3.0 Avatar) --UPDATED--Package Includes: Atlas 3.0 (DPS Version) Atlas 3.0 (NON-DPS Version) Poiyomi Toon Shader VRChat SDK 3 What you need: DPS (If you want DPS Version) Poiyomi Pro Shader (Required for DPS) Avatar Features: FBT Ready (I strongly recommend getting IK-Tweaks for dancing, the hips works really well) Clothing Toggles"Top" (Jacket, Shirt, Shirtless), "Bottom" (Pants, Underwear, DPS), "Shoes" (Shoes Swap, Shoes Off, KC Shoes Color Swap, Vans Color Swap) "Accessories" (Bandana, Shades, Cigar, Dragon Horns, Dragon Tail, Demon Horn, Necklace, Razor Blade Necklace), "Accessories 2" (Vest, Bag, Face Piercings, Nipple Piercings, Rings, Glove, Bracelet, Bracelet Cuff) Material SwapsHair Color, Eye Color, Shirt Texture, Pants Texture, White Jacket, Demon Skin DPSPP, Right Hand, Left Hand Custom Face AnimationsHappy, Sad, Grin, Idle, Open hand, Angry, Smile, Tongue Body and accessories shape keys to prevent clippingPants, Shirt, Underwear, Tank Top, Bag, Necklace Disable Locomotion Toggle Skin Lighting Toggle Sleightly Ball Custom Ball, texture and particles Advanced System FBT Mode Credits & Rules:Base - Pandaabear#9873, Panda's Male Base (Edited by me, you may NOT reuse my base edit at all. Please use Panda's Male Base instead.)Base Texture - Uni#1369 (Edited by me)Head - Jorgen#2328 Sophie Head / Kittyz#6666 Edit, Nitro Asset (Edited by me, you may NOT reuse my head edit at all. Please use Kittyz edit instead.)Hair - Kittyz#6666, Nitro AssetSide Horns - Cupkake#6666, Big demon setBarb Wire Necklace - Nave#1810, Nitro AssetRazor Necklace - Idea by Jamo#1213Shirt - KC#5344, Tshirt by KC (Texture edit by me)Jacket - wen#4076, Jacket (Texture edit by me)Vest - Onion#1515, Chained VestBandana - Gashina#1960, Monster BandanaTextured Rings - Gashina#1960, Male Ring Set 2Pants - father#3001, Nitro Asset / Strapped Pants from Darte77 KC Shoes - KC#5344, KC's La' TronsVans - father#3001, Nitro Asset / Vans from Darte77Spring Joint - JustSleightly#0001, SleightlyBall SystemSnail MarkerMale Sit Pose - Cupkake#6666, Nitro AssetRender - Peepers#5697JustSleightly#0001 - Letting me use his toggle setupLocomotion Fix - WetCat#6969 / AlcTrap#0001Made from Scratch: Bag, Face Piercings, Earrings, Nipple Piercings, Bracelet Cuff, Bracelet, Rings, Tank top, Underwear, Dragon Tail, Demon Horn, Glove, Cigar, Necklace, Razor Necklace, Spring Joint Ball and ShadesMy scratch assets that are not in my Gumroad are not allowed for reuse, commercially and privately without my permission. My edits are NOT allowed for reuse at all.Do NOT reuse these assets as it's a part of the model. Get the assets from the original creators if you wish to use any of them.https://jinxxy.com/Rob?jc=685d529ffa9df8fbaff169dc906ad0bb7ca03005956512ba9badDPS Import Instructions: Create a new Unity project (Latest Compatible Unity Version) Import your own Poiyomi Pro Shader Import your own DPS Import included SDK from zip file Import Atlas avatar package Open "ATLAS" Folder and open the Unity Scene Non- DPS Import Instructions: Create a new Unity project (Latest Compatible Unity Version) Import included Poiyomi Toon Shader from zip file Import included SDK from zip file Import Atlas avatar package Open "ATLAS" Folder and open the Unity Scene
Gumroad (robvr.gumroad.com)
wrote on 10 Jun 2024, 21:07 last edited by
wrote on 19 Jul 2024, 20:16 last edited by
wrote on 20 Jul 2024, 13:30 last edited by
wrote on 31 Jan 2025, 09:41 last edited by