LF: Komado's Chocolat (and more on release)
@LocalBozo Do you have 1.01 FT patch?
@gimmeknife updated.
also added the milk skin texture from vinzo to the request list.
Texture gift. https://tsukisekairyokou.booth.pm/items/6448522
Only has the Face + Body pack, not freckles. (There's a free freckle pack for her somewhere on booth.) -
Here's Echo's Face tracking
edit: echo updated it on jan 9th but idk what they changed since i cant find any change logs so here you go anyway (im pretty sure)PixelDrain (Valid for 120 days)
----Old version (keeping it here for archival purposes----
PixelDrain (Valid for 120 days)
here is the milkskin https://vinzo.booth.pm/items/6453568
https://workupload.com/file/a3J4qywGVhD -
Do we know the scaling ratios between Chocolat and Lime/Chiffon just yet?
Chocolat and Chiffon is a 1:1 so no scaling needed, not sure for Lime since the image number scale hasn't been updated yet
Chocolat and Chiffon is a 1:1 so no scaling needed, not sure for Lime since the image number scale hasn't been updated yet
@KemonoFriend1260 if chocolat and chiffon are 0.8965 of lime's scale, there's a very easy way to tell.
Here's the picture if anyone doesn't know about it
https://booth-adult.booth.pm/items/6450485 bump for this to be added
A new face tracking asset released a day go, seems to be the best one so far for her.