TUTORIAL [How to find a VRCA]
T themethod referenced this topic on
N Nerdy referenced this topic on
N Nerdy referenced this topic on
if you copy the data file there no way of a ban
Please note you wont get the full package with all functionality working
3.0 or 2.0 models along side shaders will not be pulled when ripping@Literal can you try to dig deep into VRChat and try to find the Nyasuka avatar? also it's kinda privated but that model was the thing that made me keep remembering my ex-boyfriend. it's called Nyasuka Funny and it was published by Bradash, also can you and Nude options to the avatar? thanks. -Markus
(add) sorry, I have big fingers, so I can't type properly, plus I usually look at the screen and not the keyboard, can you add Nude options to the avatar?
@lalal44 if thats all you're worried about, just buy some vrc+ and do a few uploads when you get to user
@lalal44 if thats all you're worried about, just buy some vrc+ and do a few uploads when you get to user
@nandorunner420 i lost my wallet so i don't have any money rn rip
@Literal can you try to dig deep into VRChat and try to find the Nyasuka avatar? also it's kinda privated but that model was the thing that made me keep remembering my ex-boyfriend. it's called Nyasuka Funny and it was published by Bradash, also can you and Nude options to the avatar? thanks. -Markus
@OfficialMTSW I was able to pull out this avatar, or rather a personal version of Laibzer. But the avatar's Index is broken. I can give you the original files to rip up. If you can unzip them in a working form, I would be grateful if you could share it in such a way.
C crystaldustie referenced this topic on
I saw a post and some people saying that this is causing bans! i would like to state this method is neither risky or can get you caught within a ban. this is a manual method for cache grabbing. You could theoretically do this with no internet nor connection to any VRChat or Unity Services. on top of that you can use an old version of asset ripper offline. if you are getting banned its because you are openly telling people you are ripping or a avatar creator reported you after ripping there stuff. on top of that i know if you are user of SARS that got detected not to long ago from what im told. it might be better now i have no idea. i still do this method with NO ban!
L Literal referenced this topic on
L Literal referenced this topic on
L Literal referenced this topic on
Thank you for the tutorial. I managed to extract the files using AssetRipper, but how do I import them back into VRC? Could you elaborate on this or perhaps point me to where I can find this info?
Thank you for the tutorial. I managed to extract the files using AssetRipper, but how do I import them back into VRC? Could you elaborate on this or perhaps point me to where I can find this info?
L Literal referenced this topic on
Thanks for the tutorial, but how to use AssetRipper, I keep getting errors when I use it, and I can't extract all the files
L Literal referenced this topic on
M Myong referenced this topic
N nunyadambiznis referenced this topic
Was wondering if anyone knew a fix for this, several avatar's ive tried to pull wont work and throw red lines example of one of them not working i cant personally understand what these error messages are saying so was hoping someone here had an idea