LF This specific sweater from Beckenzi
I legit have checked every file I own of this and haven't been able to find this version of the sweater, to see if its only on some avatars but it's not. I don't know why or how. If anyone has this SPECIFIC one please link me to a DL or sent me a DM.
Link to the product; https://beckenzi.booth.pm/items/4884509
I want the crop top version in the photo with the short sleeves + the texture for it, specifically for Rindo but if nobody can find it for Rindo whatever avi it's for is just fine.
Just to clarify these three in the photo below aren't what I'm LF unless there's like some dumb ass blend shape I'm not seeing, none of these are crop top short sleeve versions. Huge thank you to anyone who helps lmfao.