LF: Avatar Accessory Tools
Avatar Accessory Tools
Add clothing to your Avatar in secondsExpressing yourself through your Avatar is awesome. Unfortunately adding clothing can get annoying and time consuming. The goal was to automate the process of mapping the armature of the accessory to the Avatar's armature.The tools try to auto-detect the mapping and search for similar BlendShapes that are used in animations.Note: This unofficial Unity extension is not associated with Unity Technologies. Even though the tools contain several checking mechanisms and feature undo operations, I'm not responsible if anything breaks while using this addon. Always do a backup of your files.FeaturesAdds accessories from the assets to the selected AvatarAutomatically maps armatures and gives an interface to manually change the mappingSync values of related BlendShapesAdd BlendShapes of the accessory to existing animations (e.g. breathing animation)How to useRequirement is Unity 2019.4.31The addon adds menu entries to the GameObject menu and Tools menu on top. The GameObject context menu is also accessible on objects in a scene. An Accessory Installer menu entry is also accessible for Project assets.Accessory InstallerAvatar: Your avatar.Avatar Mesh: The SkinnedMeshRenderer for your avatar model. Is correctly detected automatically in the most cases.Accessory: The accessory you want to add. Can be an object in the scene or also a prefab from the assets.Accessory Mesh: The SkinnedMeshRenderer for the accessory model. Gets also detected automatically.Method: Select if you want to keep the Hierarchy clean by using ParentConstraints or if you want to use the "classic" way of moving bones to the avatar's armature.Prefix: For the HierarchyChange method. When moving the armature, this prefix is added to the bones of the accessory.Mapping: Define which bone of the accessory belongs to which bone of the avatar. Click the X if you don't want to map certain bones.BlendShape SyncAvatar: Your avatar.Avatar Mesh: The SkinnedMeshRenderer for your avatar model.Accessory: The accessory object.Accessory Mesh: The SkinnedMeshRenderer for your accessory. This should contain the BlendShapes you want to sync.Sync BlendShape Values: Write the current values of the Avatar's BlendShape to the accesory.Mapping: Select which BlendShape of the accessory is related to a BlendShape of the avatar. Click the X if you don't want to map certain BlendShapes.Sync Animations: Search in all used animations for animated BlendShapes. If an animation contains a BlendShape of the avatar that was used in the mapping above, it adds the Accessory BlendShape to that animation using the same keyframes.Animations: Gives you an overview of all animations that animate BlendShapes of the avatar. Use the checkbox to enable or disable the syncing of these animations.License and UsageThese Accessory Tools are meant for personal, non-commercial use.You are not allowed to redistribute any parts of the product.If you do have any questions, issues or suggestions, feel free to contact me on Discord: Shatter#9830
Gumroad (shatteredfur.gumroad.com)