600GB+ GD ARCHIVE | Updated and maintained in real time!
@Collectathon I can always start making a list for ya!
@Matsuda That would be- unbelievably helpful
@Matsuda That would be- unbelievably helpful
@Collectathon Working on it right now, I will be making a text file and I will send it to you so people can view it in the archive!
@Collectathon Working on it right now, I will be making a text file and I will send it to you so people can view it in the archive!
@Matsuda Oml you're a godsend. Any uploads I make to the archive from here on will include the booth ID. Once I get that text file I'll go through the process of renaming previews (ouch)
Koyomi and Aniath (avatars)And it helps if you add the Booth ID when you download stuff. "Saving it for later" even if it's a few at a time is a recipe for disaster.
Koyomi and Aniath (avatars)And it helps if you add the Booth ID when you download stuff. "Saving it for later" even if it's a few at a time is a recipe for disaster.
@avatarofcorn Thank you!! also is the Mikagami koyomi avi version 1.10?
I see that's okay! thank you!
is there a way that images for each asset can be displayed so that it's clear which assets are which?
is there a way that images for each asset can be displayed so that it's clear which assets are which?
@emerellthomas It does have images It's in the preview section I think they are named exactly the same as the file. If that's what you are referring to?
Yea I was referring to that, thanks!
Also another question, some full sets do include Airi, but they were added later on, do most if not all fullsets, if they have airi support, have an airi variant? -
I don't recommend downloading anything right now, I'm doing a lot of renaming and organization, so names may not be consistent! When the updating is complete, I'll let everyone know.
UPDATE: Everything in this archive is now ID'd! A text file containing all booth ID's can be found in in the root of the [Files] folder. All files except for clothing are also renamed to include their Booth ID's. Clothing should be renamed within the next week or so, but if you need to search clothing by ID you can search through [BOOTH ID'S.txt]. That .txt file also includes some helpful info about base compatibility, so you should check it out!
This post is deleted!
UPDATE: Everything in this archive is now ID'd! A text file containing all booth ID's can be found in in the root of the [Files] folder. All files except for clothing are also renamed to include their Booth ID's. Clothing should be renamed within the next week or so, but if you need to search clothing by ID you can search through [BOOTH ID'S.txt]. That .txt file also includes some helpful info about base compatibility, so you should check it out!
@Collectathon thanks boss<3
D Drk referenced this topic on
D Drk referenced this topic on
My PC should be repaired in 2-3 weeks which allows me to regain access to my old hard drive. To prepare, I'll be looking for a few active, reputable members of the community who think they may have enough spare time to help sort a 500GB archive. Thankfully the vast majority of those assets have images in a private drive, so we wouldn't be starting from nowhere.
Something to keep in mind is that I've been prioritizing assets that weren't in my HDD to put in the Collectathon archive. So of the 500GB, there's probably about 350-400GB that aren't present in the archive.
Just uploaded enough avatars to cause my ISP to throttle me :')
No more uploads until January, RIP
I have something I want to add to the female section of avatars, it's pretty ancient xD
https://workupload.com/file/KkBQV3J4h8S -
I hope they add sooner than later https://booth.pm/en/items/4465463
Nice stuff, thanks !!