LF: VR Demon by JackieTheDemon
ah well i hope someone knows how set it up and thank you for posting it @Sirlockinbottom
I will set it up and post my set up version here if no one uploads the unity package before I'm done.
I will set it up and post my set up version here if no one uploads the unity package before I'm done.
@catwholovespie Go do it bro, make the Vr.
@Monster-_ Welcome, bring up my rep with upvote's.
@Sirlockinbottom need 10 reps to do so sadly
@Sirlockinbottom need 10 reps to do so sadly
@Monster-_ Wait, i need the 10?
@Monster-_ Wait, i need the 10?
@Sirlockinbottom no i do wont let me do anything to appraise you.
Here you go. All files included: https://gofile.io/d/GtYGcB