A question and looking for something.
Yesterday, i was able to get the Moe avatar and a few outfits for her, but the problem i'm having is some outfits just don't fit her properly. Either her breasts are to big or her feet don't bend at the right angle to fit into the shoes. So, i was wondering if anyone knows is there is a way to shrink her bust size in unity or to make the clothes fit her current frame. My apology if this is a simple question or a borderline stupid question to some people, i lack in depth unity knowledge and haven't been uploading avatars that long. I checked on booth, but didn't see any real answers. I'm also wondering if anyone has this i know it's cheap and i tried buying it, but booth won't accept my card, and it won't allow me to put cash on my PayPal.
if you select the body of her and then go to 'blendshapes' in the inspector (right side of the screen, there should be a drop down for it) you'll see a bunch of options for all the different body parts- included in there are differenting sizing of the breasts and also the changes in the foot hill (flat or angled, like for heels/shoes). Also a lot more! Like shrinking for elbows, knees, arms etc. this can be really helpful to minimise clipping.
though, some outfits also have blendshapes, as do a lot of things in unity (not everything however- the avatar definitely will though) so if need be you can edit the outfit to match the avatar or the avatar to match the outfit.
hopefully this is of some help- if there's any issues tag me and i can try and help -
^^^ It will look something like this (these ones are shinra's not moe's)
Thank you both so much! This makes things a lot fucking easier, because i started to improvise XD, mix and matching outfits with the pieces that did fit and those that didn't. x.x
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