✔ (FOUND by ez) Sai by Krov / Krovarororo
@AVISPLEASE Like any other generic avi, just make the project with VCC, import VRCFury if it has it, import latest Poiyomi and upload
Thank you I appreciate it. I'm also having a slight problem with his upload because when I upload him he doesn't have toggles and only gogo loco. I maybe sure that I wasn't clicking on his opti version by hiding it and even deleting it out the hierarchy. Anyone else having trouble?
@AVISPLEASE same here
@AVISPLEASE same as well, i tried changing the fx layer to the one specifically made for him but that still didn't work
i can take a crack at him give me a second tho
FX needs to be changed to his fx
as well as the parameters and menu need to be swapped
find the menu and params here
also delete the animator here i think and replace it with the fx or just delete it, not sure witch, both ways worked fine for me
and it SHOULD work fine
@nandorunner420 @nex11210N @AVISPLEASE
here are the things i have in my project as well
(upvote if i was any help?)
@Sleepybunnzz sorry I'm now seeing this. it was such a big help. Unfortunately, can't upvote because I don't have enough reputation:(
@AVISPLEASE glad i was able to help, and nw
@Sleepybunnzz still doesnt work i have the toggles in game now but i cant use them at all