LF avatar ripper
Thank you.Here is the url
Really appreciate the help, fallen in love with this avatar and the creatorisnt active.
@locket89 Sorry for the wait. Working with older models can be difficult sometimes, but everything should be fixed and working. https://workupload.com/file/hxZ59sPWWe2
Can someone get me this custom mamagen texture hehe its this one avtr_3e544a74-b968-40ed-aa30-afac0597c866
creator: Santinogen avatar name: big mommy
need to upload pics for the beauty sorry theres no pictures of her but ive seen the texture hehe.
Can someone get me this custom mamagen texture hehe its this one avtr_3e544a74-b968-40ed-aa30-afac0597c866
creator: Santinogen avatar name: big mommy
need to upload pics for the beauty sorry theres no pictures of her but ive seen the texture hehe.
@ISEEUDONTSEEME u gotta make ur own post and ask nicely bro
Hi again.
So I been trying to put this avatar together with all the assets but am struggling after 2 weeks or trying to learn unity and how to piece it together, just not happening sadly.
Do you know anyone or are you able to piece it all together and turn it into a FBX file that is complete that I can just drag into unity and then upload?
I have already learned home to upload a completed avatar but thats as far as it goes