(FOUND by Baddragonslayerr) Kenzie by Bream
u welcome :3
@Meruem Make sure to use Creator companion and follow the steps on the gumroad it worked 4 me
@Meruem Make sure to use Creator companion and follow the steps on the gumroad it worked 4 me
@CadetWitch yeah i did, still says "Couldn't decompress the file" and fails to import, oh well...
@CadetWitch yeah i did, still says "Couldn't decompress the file" and fails to import, oh well...
@Meruem do you have space on your disk? that's the only time it's ever shown me an error message like that
@CadetWitch yeah i did, still says "Couldn't decompress the file" and fails to import, oh well...
@Meruem huh, I downloaded it fine, I wonder why it's doing that for you.
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