So my account is gone..
You're not alone; sure, some still have clean slates, but we've all been banned once before, some more than others. But we just have to shrug it off and move on to another account. You gain some, you lose some, you know.
@picturesque is there anyway i can delete the banned account to keep the name?
@Anteupplaya Unfortunately, once the account is banned, so is its name.
I would avoid downloaders like SARS/ARC honestly, they're way too dangerous, cache ripping is much safer as there's no external tool interfacing with VRChat's APIs.
The way SARS/ARC as far as I remember is by trying to spoof VRChat packets to download Avatar Asset Bundles, which lights up like a Christmas tree on VRC's End, it's practically holding up a big sign saying "BAN ME".
Insane part is I was going to use SARS, but when I saw the requirement for a license on their discord and the need for a vrchat account I put it down for later, I almost lost my account too.
@TomCom1995 what would be a useful tool? besides sars? i truly only ask cause i wanted to use sars to try some things with contacts but yt tutorials suck and ect.
I would once again, recommend against using downloader tools like this, to my knowledge, cache ripping is safest.
When you download avatars in VRChat it stores them in a folder:
Avatars and Worlds appear as folders with random names like: AD208B20840AA572
If you sort by creation date the most recent downloaded avatar will be at the top, use this and cache clearing to single out specific avatars to rip, it's how I do it.
The avatar/world is stored in the file named _data, you can use AssetRipper to decompile these into (broken) Projects then use FACS01 to do repair work, though a more detailed guide is much better.I would also like to point out that SARS on multiple occasions has given broken project files, I have a friend who isn't tech savvy and sends me projects to repair, and never in my life have I seen such a destroyed project file, missing files are very common when using SARS.
id prefer to cache rip but again i dont know how to
VRChat can't hack into your pc and see what you have installed. that'd be nuts.
the recent ban wave comes from, as tom said, installing VRCA files using SARS, which VRChat detects. this is why SARS specifically tells you to sign in with an alt account, because there is an almost guarantee that any account linked to this behaviour will get banned. this is why we pay close attention to the warnings and the risks. i lost my alt twice, my main is unaffected.
why the hell are you using the same name for everything? lol
@zeta-zaza I actually did use my alt. both my accounts got banned
but fair on using the same name for everything. just to lazy
this community is so supportive. i love it heh
how could I cache rip?
Tom said how to right here
i do have one final question. would I be ok re uploading my avatars to a new account?
@Anteupplaya Congrats on getting your account back
and to answer the previous question. Yes, you can just remove the avatar ID from the pipeline manager. -
@Anteupplaya congrats!!