LF: Wolfman, Addons
LF Wolfman avatar,
and the assets
if anybody would provide me with a dick to attach that'd be nice ya. -
LF Wolfman avatar,
and the assets
if anybody would provide me with a dick to attach that'd be nice ya.@wolfysleeps here I will make you happy giftuuuu <3333
-Mr Devil's Shiny Body Latex (Poiyomi Material)
Gumroad : https://thingey.gumroad.com/l/MrDevilsShinyBodyLatex?layout=profile&recommended_by=library
--->https://workupload.com/file/RdDugwyMJpx-Wolfman VRChat Avatar
and unfortunately I don't have a penis with sorry
Gumroad : https://sorakirbys.gumroad.com/l/wolfman
--->https://workupload.com/file/KVb8d6PVB2A-Wolfman Apparel - Deviant Pack
Gumroad : https://sorakirbys.gumroad.com/l/wolfmanappareldeviant?layout=profile&recommended_by=search
--->https://workupload.com/file/ZCYj7q4M8x8-Wolfman Apparel - Fitness Pack
Gumroad : https://sorakirbys.gumroad.com/l/wolfmanapparelfitness?layout=profile&recommended_by=search
--->https://workupload.com/file/nn64HXMpSb3-Wolfman Apparel - Piercings Pack
Gumroad : https://sorakirbys.gumroad.com/l/wolfmanapparelpiercings?layout=profile&recommended_by=search
--->https://workupload.com/file/Bm8VrbEZwNE-Elite Ultra Armor for the Wolfman (Halo)
Gumroad : https://rdomnai.gumroad.com/l/EliteUltraArmor?layout=profile
---> https://workupload.com/archive/ek39y8U44j-[Wolfman] Retexture - Warwick
Gumroad : https://lycaious.gumroad.com/l/kidiuv?layout=discover&recommended_by=search&_gl=1*
--->https://workupload.com/archive/tb3tJbQTb6[Wolfman] Jock - Rogue Fang Textures
Gumroad : https://lycaious.gumroad.com/l/zagjzg?layout=discover&recommended_by=search&_gl=1*1
--->https://workupload.com/archive/ek39y8U44jhere is everything I can give you about the wolfman you can find other free assets directly on gumroad, I put everything in a compress file so below take full advantage
bump for reupload
bump for reupload
@AVISPLEASE what do you need ?
@AVISPLEASE what do you need ?
@Mike-2-0 What I want is the Wolfman Avatar it’s self, the Deviant pack, the gym clothes, the piercings, and the texture
@Mike-2-0 What I want is the Wolfman Avatar it’s self, the Deviant pack, the gym clothes, the piercings, and the texture
@AVISPLEASE wolfman base : https://vrmodels.store/avatars/24916-wolfman.html
@Mike-2-0 What I want is the Wolfman Avatar it’s self, the Deviant pack, the gym clothes, the piercings, and the texture
thank you so muchh
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Avatars on
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Avatars on
This post is deleted!
Does anyone have the pajamas yet?
@Rukishion the package is completely free on gumroad https://lycaious.gumroad.com/l/zagjzg
@Rukishion the package is completely free on gumroad https://lycaious.gumroad.com/l/zagjzg
@StoCazzo99 Thanks!
@Mike-2.0 could you please reupload the files for this!!!
@Mike-2.0 could you please reupload the files for this!!!
@AVISPLEASE I put everything on Vrmodels https://vrmodels.store/avatars/