Unitypackage won't open
Hello, I was hoping someone might be able to help me figure out this issue i'm having. I downloaded the unitypackge from the following post for the Harpbeast, and I can not get it to import into unity. It loads for a moment when loaded into a project, but then stops. No window pops up, nothing happens. So i'm wondering if the unitypackage is a busted pacakge maybe or if anyone else is able to open it at all?
Post in question where the package is from: https://forum.ripper.store/topic/29265/lf-harpbeast-a-novabeast-edit/12
@Emikotek should update the file, my boyfriend explained to me that it is still in 2019 @RipperDipperRoo
Make a project with it in 2019 and then upgrade the project? Idk how to upgrade it either but that might be worth a shot
So what you're saying is it needs to be adapted to 2023 because it was 2019 file?
I could give it a crack and see what I can get, I'm reinstalling 2019 now.
I could give it a crack and see what I can get, I'm reinstalling 2019 now.
you're awesome @Emikotek TYSM
ps : how did you do ? the way you preceded could be useful if it happens to us -
What was broken in it, I haven't noticed anything super obvious?