Felix Feline Furry Vrchat by foxipaws
Looks like the model is going through moderation checks right now on Vrmodels, it should be through soon.
How does nobody here have fuckboi cat?!
Looks like the model is going through moderation checks right now on Vrmodels, it should be through soon.
@DiscipleShadow do you have it or the spp files? i doubt the upload to vrmodels will have the spp files
Looks like the model is going through moderation checks right now on Vrmodels, it should be through soon.
@DiscipleShadow how long do you think itll take?
@TheDeadOne I have not gotten the model myself however I will be getting the model after I get some money in my bank account and ill share the SPP files if no one else has already done so like I did for the Cleo model.