LF: Sophie 3.0 By Dio
Sophie 3.0
Sophie is my first avatar up for sale!She has a throw joint, a full DPS setup, and more to come!RequirementsVRC SDKPoiyomi Toon (Newest Version)OptionalDynamic Penetration System (YOU NEED THIS FOR THE DPS TO WORK. The model works without it, the dps functionality won't work tho)Credits and RulesBody: Pandaabear#9873 Hair, Head: WetCat#6969 Shoes: KC#5344 Jeans: Yukina (https://yukina.gumroad.com/) Sweatshirt, Earring: Evan (Nave#1810) Crop Top: loki#3000 Glasses, Choker, Gloves: Cupkake#6666 Straps, Panties, Pasties: Zeit#9150 Socks: Maible#8888 Throw-joint: Cam#1959 Locomotion Layer: WetCat, AlcTrap, Dj Lukis.LT, INYO and Gireison Dynamic Penetration System: Raliv (https://raliv.gumroad.com/l/lwthuB) Body Texture: Uni (https://smoluni.gumroad.com) DO NOT RE-USE PARTS FROM THIS AVI WITHOUT OBTAINING THE PARTS THEMSELVES FIRST FROM THEIR CREATORS THROUGH PURCHASE/BOOSTING DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE THIS AVI TO ANYONE WITHOUT CREATOR'S PERMISSION DO NOT CLAIM AS YOUR OWN WORKThank you to everyone who helped me along my journey to reach this point!I love you all, and I hope you enjoy Sophie!
Gumroad (whitezangetsu.gumroad.com)
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Avatars on
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Avatars on