I got $60 and willing to buy one avatar to share
After such a long time, here she is – probably my favorite project yet.She resonates with my heart, and I'm sure she can reach some of yours too :3- Summary - つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 15+ Toggles for Adjusting Face and Body, make your own unique look ~ (timecode 1:30) つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hair - Short/ Long/ Ponytail/ Alternative Front/ 6+ Adjust Toggles ~ (timecode 2:00) つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hoodie/ Layered Top/ Tanktop/ Croptop/ Bodysuit ~ (timecode 2:40) つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Shorts/ Flowy Skirt/ Boots/ Heels/ Sneakers ~ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 25+ Acsessories Toggles (timecode 3:30) 20+ Style Toggles, Not all are showcased, but you can explore in the preview below (timecode 4:25) 👀 Model Supports OSC EyeTracking 👀 Audio link for Emissions 14 Face Gestures, Mix them for New Expressions ~ 7 Light Points, setted with constraints / 3 lights in total Extra Lite Version (Dancer Event Friendly) Two Green Optimised Versions Face Interact and Muru Detection, Hearts will appear on the face when another Muru is nearby In-build GoGoLoco - Toggles - Face - Eyes Hue, Eyes Swap Texture, Cheek Stripes, Dark Stripes, Eyeshadows, Glitter, Blush, LipsTexture Adjust - Ears, Alternative Ears, Both Ears, Tail Type 1, Tail Type 2, Horns, HornsBigger, Rest Face Body - Tan 1, Tan 2, Glowy Tattoos, All Tattoos, Strawberry Tattoo Hair - 3 Front Edits (mixable), Extra Front, Extra Front Longer + adjust toggles Longer/Longer+/Shorter Back Hair - Short, Loose Long, Ponytail, Alternative Loose, Loose + Ponytail, Short + Ponytail Hair Сolor - Brightness/ Hue/ Saturation Wheels + 4 setups. Emission Intensity toggles. Ears Fur - Ears Color Swap to match hair, White Fur/ DarkFur/ MatchHairColor Accs - Piercing 1, Piercing 2, Hat, Glasses, Mask, Rings, Straps, Cross Piercings, Hip Charm, Leg Band, All Metal On/Off Neckband - Size, Spikes, Charm, Chain Bigger, Chain On/Off Belts - Arm Belt Left, Arm Belt Right, Wrist Belts L/R, Thighs Belts L/R, Leg Belts L/R Top - Hoodie, Layered Top, Tanktop, Croptop, Bodysuit, Bodysuit+Tanktop, Arm Bandge, Sleeves Bottom - Shorts, Skirt, Stockings, Leg Bandge Shoes - Heels, Boots, Sneakers, Heeled or Flat Feet - Style Toggles - Style Hue Wheel - Affects all Red Colored parts Skirt Length / Cropped Top Length / Distressed Tanktop Metal Silver/Gold/Dark Straps Dark / Rose Tanktop Toggle Hoodie Style/ Layered Top Alt Style/ LayeredTop Colored/ Croptop and Bodysuit 3 Styles Bottom - Stockings Texture, Leggings Dark, Shorts/Skirt Dark, Shorts Light Sneakers - 5 styles VRChat SDK 3.5.1 Unity 2022.3.6f1 poiyomi 8.1.167- Credits - Concept/Unity/Blender work featured in this project is by me. Any parts not listed have been made by me and are not available. Assets and textures used in this project have been heavily edited and are NOT for reuse. Head and eyetexture kri (No reuse!), Base Pandaabear. Addition, Bodytexture ying.vr, ShaderEye Neon, Eyeshadows Buneskapp, Stockngs, Nails Gashina, Tattoos/ Ears miruu, Tonge Eggly, Candycane Torinyan. Heels Renipuff, Boots nyellgelaev, Sneakers Plaz Ponytail/FrontHair/Tail Cupcake, Longfront Saikura, Longback Sadge, AlphaText, ShortHair sivka Hoodie/Mask Virtual Threads, Croptop wen.3D, Tanktop Hayweee, LayeredTop Nauuki, Bodysuit/Belts/Glasses Vinuzhka, Skirt Cassis, Shorts/Sleeves velvet Hat apyr, Neckband/Belts HoloExe, Horns, Top Straps/Pant Snitchie, BottomStraps NippNipp, Bandage Arm Michaelstl, LayeredTop/LegBand/LegBandge Nauuki, Rings KOLD, HipCharm Dr.North If you're interested in using any of these assets, you must purchase the original, unedited assets from the listed creators. Thank you to my friends and all the mius that supported me in any way during the creation of this projectA special shoutout to Sparrow for helping with the legs update!- Terms of Use -By purchasing a license to use this model, you agree to the following terms: You are not permitted to split, share, republish, or resell the model, its parts, setup, or settings. You may not claim it as your own. It is for personal private use only. You may gift the model, but only the person listed on the purchase form (including Discord and in-game name) is authorized to access the license for legal use. Any users found using this model without purchasing will be considered in violation of copyright laws. You may NOT use parts of this model or my edits in other projects unless you are making specific edits to the Muru character herself! This content is not intended for reuse, copying, basing, or learning purposes. You may privately use the model on other VR and social platforms, though it's originally designed for VRChat. You can use the model for media, streaming, and video creation. However, if the model is used as an identity and is actively involved with monetized content, credits must be provided. The product is final and non-refundable. @_LarensYou will find Upload Guideline instructions along avatarFor extra help welcome to join my server! https://discord.gg/larens
Gumroad (larensvr.gumroad.com)
Kemono - VRChat Avatar
Say hello to the Kemono! This is a chibi-kemono style avatar for VRChat.This avatar was not actually originally made with VRChat in mind- in fact, it was originally made as a placeholder character model for a currently unnamed Animal Crossing-inspired game in progress. As such, it was made with this in mind- its materials are split into head/body/eyes/tail, as the head and tail were intended to be swapped for different species. It also does not have eye bones, and the eyes do not move, because the head/eye shape does not mesh well with fully round eyes, so eye rotation would be odd.I have decided to convert it into a functional VRChat avatar due to some interest expressed on Twitter, in the hopes of getting enough funding from it that I can then commission an industry professional to make an overall better quality version for the actual game this was originally made for.This model is very "light" compared to my others, so don't go in expecting everything my other avatars have- it is fully functional at a base level, but it does not currently have MMD visemes or anything fancy such as ear puppets.IF this avatar gets a decent amount of interest and sales, I may continue to update it with more content including MMD visemes, new tail options, ear/face/etc puppets, accessories, etc- but for now, it is fairly minimal. It does have full face visemes and expressions and is compatible with FBT.It also does have some customization blendshapes as well, although not quite to the same extent as some of my other avatars.This purchase comes with a unitypackage file with a compiled prefab, a substance painter file, textures, and .blend files.!!!!NOTE: THIS AVATAR IS NOT REFUNDABLE. This is a DIGITAL product- when you buy it, you gain access to digital files that cannot just be "taken back". You cannot "return" a digital product like you can a physical one. If you force a chargeback, I WILL fight it.Uses GoGoLoco menus as well as Poiyomi Pro(although Poiyomi Toon should function and convert well enough).If you are having any technical issues with the avatar, join my avatar Discord and ask for tech help, OR add me on Discord(Tosca#8203) for tech help, rather than immediately assuming that the avatar is "broken" and trying to force a chargeback.=======TERMS OF SERVICE======- You may customize this model however you like- you can even make public cloneable avatars with it.- You may take commissions using this model, however if you're giving files, the other party must have also bought the model. You may also not upload commissioned avatars to the other party's account if they do not own the avatar off of Gumroad, you may only keep it as publicly cloneable on your own account. If a commissioner wants it private, they need to buy the avatar from me.- Do not give out the model files to anyone that has not already bought and paid for it, for any reason.- You MAY edit this model and then sell edits as bases for others to use, provided that anyone buying your base has bought the original model in the first place. You may sell mods of this model, but only to people who already own it.- If you are commissioning someone else for textures for this model, and they do not already own the files, you may ONLY give out the substance file, and the substance file ONLY, for them to texture. If someone is compiling the entire avatar for you, or doing anything besides retextures, they must own it, or you will need to buy it for them.- Reuploading or reselling this avatar or any of its included files, anywhere, where people can freely access it without paying for it directly from this page, is expressly prohibited. Respect artists, don't pirate our work or redistribute it. I work hard on my avatars and this is, quite literally, my only source of income. I will pursue violators to the fullest extent of the law if caught, because this is my livelihood and I ask for that to be respected.- By purchasing this avatar, you hereby agree to all of these terms, accepting them as a legally binding agreement.======Join my Discord for model updates, avatar help, avatar mods, WIPs, etc: discord.gg/7bkHRWPSwt====== CHANGELOG ==========None yet.
Gumroad (xtosca.gumroad.com)
this one !!!!! me and all my friends want this avatar so much!!!
https://semidreamatic.gumroad.com/l/ltgmp?layout=discover&recommended_by=search&_gl=1 looks amazing honestly
For everyone posting submissions, I'm pretty sure this already ended with this post https://forum.ripper.store/post/200104
For everyone posting submissions, I'm pretty sure this already ended with this post https://forum.ripper.store/post/200104
@NoFace Yeah they should have said "closed" I was lost when I kept seeing new posts after the winners were announced almost a week ago
bump Gizmo v1.20
bump Gizmo v1.20
https://booth.pm/en/items/4805094 can i have this avatar? i want it so i could have fun with it
https://booth.pm/en/items/4805094 can i have this avatar? i want it so i could have fun with it
@GrowthEnjoyer52 It's not the one from your link, but the same character. You can find her here if you type in the name: https://vrchive.cunny.cf/Pages/avatars/
@GrowthEnjoyer52 It's not the one from your link, but the same character. You can find her here if you type in the name: https://vrchive.cunny.cf/Pages/avatars/
thanks so much what about rapi or privty or volume? and....https://booth.pm/en/items/4366863
オリジナル3Dモデル「狐薄 -こはく-」#Kohaku3D - なっふな堂 - BOOTH
「狐薄 -こはく-」オリジナル3Dモデル 制作者:香坂もち( https://twitter.com/mzk563 ) -商品概要- Humanoid/フルトラッキング/アイトラッキング/自動まばたき対応 Avatars3.0対応 ・OculusQuest用の設定は行っておりませんので非対応となります。 ・MAYAで制作されたデータとなりますので他ソフトでの相互性は保証致しかねます。 ————————————————— ■以下の利用規約を必ずご確認頂き、ご同意頂いた上でご購入をお願い致します。ご購入頂いた時点で利用規約に同意したものとします。
https://anmeire.gumroad.com/l/sizeosc here are some things that i want by the way
C CodeAngel moved this topic from Avatars on