Looking for This outfit for Manuka <3 !
helloo, it don't seem to have this outfit called the ''CyberCore'' by OOTD
【PB対応】 Cybercore [Selestia, Kikyo, Shinra] - #OOTD - BOOTH
★ 該当アセットはVCC最新バージョンで作業しました. Physbone 1.1バージョンを使用してください ★ ★ 해당 에셋은 VCC 최신버전에서 작업하였습니다. Physbone 1.1 버전을 사용해주세요 ★ ★ The asset worked on the latest version of VCC. Please use the Physphone 1.1 version ★ ♡ 対応アバター セレスティア, 桔梗, 森羅 ♡シェーダー Liltoon :: https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 ◆商品構成◆ - unitypackage
Is there someone having the Manuka fit ? tyty!!