How to search the VRModels private section without PRO
You can search the pro section on vrmodels by going to the add avatar page either using this link or clicking to it manually by going into the add avatar form. Then you just have to put some title in and click on the search button. The results list'll include public & private assets. You can hover on the hyperlink to see the url or click on it to see if its private or not.
@Louis_45 how many model or stuff needed to upload to get to pro? And does it work if the model for example already exist on this site but doesn't exist on that site?
Would be cool if someone had pro on vrmodels that could make a dump of the assets/avatars in the private section into here of the stuff we don’t have, unless that’s a no no here
I got 1 tb of avatar and assets in my server HDD, lot of them is not in vrmodels, maybe i should try to upload. Since there's a model i want to get but it's private
And thanks for the tutorial!
@Reym A "price split" aka. shared PRO account for VRModels would be great as an idea/service. I could probably get myself the PRO status and do that to be honest.
10 isn’t too bad, if it got updated daily with new things. I doubt vrmodels has a lot more new or old assets and avatars than forum. It’s probably just a few assets we don’t have that could be moved here. Generally the most asked for items if they have them. Even if it was just one or three people adding in, anything is helpful.
10 isn’t too bad, if it got updated daily with new things. I doubt vrmodels has a lot more new or old assets and avatars than forum. It’s probably just a few assets we don’t have that could be moved here. Generally the most asked for items if they have them. Even if it was just one or three people adding in, anything is helpful.
10 isn’t too bad, if it got updated daily with new things. I doubt vrmodels has a lot more new or old assets and avatars than forum. It’s probably just a few assets we don’t have that could be moved here. Generally the most asked for items if they have them. Even if it was just one or three people adding in, anything is helpful.
@Reym Yeah of course it isn't but why shouldn't you share it?