Manuka's head on Selestia’s body anyone have?
@sillygirl was offering to do some stuff in this thread
hii im so sorry but idk how to do that ;-; i think if youre willing to commission someone i could find someone to do it for pretty cheap though! if youre looking for it for free though, im sure ull find someone on here who might have it
you could always try using one of the headswaping tools
The headswapping tool is only made for certain models so I do not believe it would work with this. I have been trying to do swaps in Blender and it is honestly so much of a pain and I haven't been able to make it work smoothly. Your best off comissioning this unless you can find someone willing to share who has maybe already done it.
This is an incredibly easy thing to accomplish if you just look for blender headswapping tutorials on youtube :3
I've done a headswap before using mizuki's head and manuka's body following this tutorial video (on unity tho not on blender) and for the head to make expressions with a different body all you would have to do is get rid of selestia FX and just put manukas FX then leave Base,Gesture and Action to selestia. If you have any questions I could try to help