GodRevenger DLC Extra Assets Thread (14/32)
Oops, I didn't notice the Avi was taken down, updated the link & added the instructions file (that was originally I think?) to @eyesore1930 upload and recompressed with 7z.
Also, the 006 casual file had a small problem and there was a silent update on the link to the hotfix a while back (If downloaded after 29/11 should be fine) but I guess I'll just mention it now.@TheBoldStool i was mentioning the zip file i shared a while ago cause people were commenting about poiyomi and final ik so i made a file with everything needed for the base avatar and then someone just copied my link to the file and put it on the vrmodels website they even incorrectly put the version number it says 1.2.1 on there when it should be 1.1.2 im not mad or anything but i could mess with them by renaming the zip file or something so when people download the avi from the site it says some random name but im not that mean its whatever
@TheBoldStool i was mentioning the zip file i shared a while ago cause people were commenting about poiyomi and final ik so i made a file with everything needed for the base avatar and then someone just copied my link to the file and put it on the vrmodels website they even incorrectly put the version number it says 1.2.1 on there when it should be 1.1.2 im not mad or anything but i could mess with them by renaming the zip file or something so when people download the avi from the site it says some random name but im not that mean its whatever
@eyesore1930 The link I meant that was taken down is the one at the op
@eyesore1930 The link I meant that was taken down is the one at the op
@TheBoldStool ahh ok sorry about the misunderstanding!